Saturday, November 19, 2011

Is it so hard to believe that a girl can master tae kwon do karate and kungfu?

this guy once came up to me and asked if i am good and black belt at kungfu, karate, or tae kwon do i said all and he wuz like "dang!!!"

i thought it wuz rediculous that it wuz so hard to believe is it?|||to master one art takes a lifetime three well I would not call that person a girl|||Hell no. Martial arts are so proccessed, and mcdojoized that this would not be too difficult. The real achievment would be to achieve a black belt in a martial art with a credible teacher in a credible Dojo. And even then, they say that when you get an black belt, only then do you really start learning and understanding what the martail art is about. But no, if someone says to me that they are a black belt in karate these days, or tae kwon do, itmeans nothing to me. Nothing at all, in fact, I try not to laugh. It'd be like me saying I have a black belt in weight lifting, or running. It's turned into sport, not an art.|||No offense intended, but your use of the word "Master" is way off. Assuming that you do have valid black belts in these arts black belt is very, very far from being a master. Black belt in the orient means that they start to notice you and that you have learned(but not mastered) the basic moves. At that point you are thought to be able to now learn the martial art.|||Sounds cool, but 3 black belts in 3 different martial art is quite an achievement.

Not to mention that they're from 3 arts that are known to be plagued by McDojo-ism.

I mean no offense to you, but as I ony attained green belt in kyokushin after years of training and no belts anymore after that in other arts that I trained in.

I have a fair share of black belts that I defeated in the dojo mat or ring.

And it's not about gender anyway as I defeated a man that supposed to get his black belt the next month.

McDojo belt mills is no joke, giving black belts to a guy that got beaten by a girl with green belt (and I have to add easily too) is not funny|||If you hold a black belt in three different styles you may want to question the true extent of your ability (no offense). These days there are many schools who are nothing more than black belt factories. These schools quickly and prematurely promote students just to fleece them out of as much money as possible. I would hate to think that you've fallen into such a trap. I can see why someone might be skeptical.|||Do you actually have 3 black belts or did you just tell him that you did?

What does it matter what he thinks? There will always be skeptics and insecure people. It seems that he wouldn't have had a reason to bring up the topic unless you had brought it up first in some way.

Your best defense is using martial arts smartly, and that includes knowing when to play dumb/helpless and only using your physical skills as a last resort. But you should know that, you're a master!|||Nope. In thailand, I met 2 women, one with 9 dan (above 60 yrs old) , the other is 5 dan (below 30yrs old). Currently, master of my daughter is a sweet lady under 30 yrs old, 4 dan, champion from Malaysia.

When we learn an art, it is not written on our face. Thus, never look down on anyone and be snobbish. Always respect people, for we are all created in the image of God.

So, I will believe.|||You'll be doing martial arts for a long time if you "Master three." Remember, master level is 5th degree black belt: Not just a black belt.

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