Saturday, November 19, 2011

How do i convince my father to let me join kungfu?

My mom dosent mind but my dad is against it. He says that i should do Tai Kwan Do instead. I think its because when i was 5 i was in Karate and i lost interest in it when the lessons became silly since i was 5. He dosent get the difference between karate and kung Fu . Any help?|||Tai Kwan Do? I don't think it's a bad style. I'm assuming that your father took Tai Kwan Do and just wants you to have the same experience... type of passing it down to you, feel honored and follow his wishes.

As for Karate (Japanese) or Kung Fu which could be any number of hundreds of Chinese styles... ie Tai Chi, Choy Li Fut, Hung Gar, Wing Chun, Shaolin.... All different and all will give you a similar taste in your mouth as did Karate.... A lot of theory, a lot of moral and character building, a lot of shadow boxing and Katas. If you didn't like Karate I don't think you'll like any of the Kung Fu styles.

If you just want to take a self-defense class without the morality and culture then there are tones of those around... even Maga Krav the Israeli may be more for you. Less culture and more just plain old self defense.|||He will let you take TKD but not kungfu?This makes no sense as both are MA.

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