Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Now can anyone tell me is it possible to learn a little bit of drunken style kungfu online?
any amount of info would help...|||well it movie kung fu that's it so watch the movies don't worry you cant do it wrong its fake like the matrix .people started doing katas they made after watching movies. so i guess their is some realness now but monks didn't make it monks don't drink.|||No not really, first off learning online is just bad, you are going to mistakes and take those into muscle memory. It won't be right and you might feel cool but it won't be effective. You might be able to find a DVD or two but it really isn't worth it. I would try finding a style of a CMA in your area and get really good and maybe you'll learn a bit of drunken. Of if you're really lucky a mainly drunken style will be in your area. |||drunken style can not be comes natural with muscle memory so say you get drunk and you know kung-fu and have mastered it to a certain extant your muscle memory will copy those styles but of course in drunken form|||Drink alot and act like jackie chan!
Reposted question-shipmates im thinking of making a film about a pirate who learns kungfu....?
im going to call it kungfu pirate.
what do yea think?
any ideas?
please star my question,pirates like shiney|||good on ya, chum. |||crap,,
what do yea think?
any ideas?
please star my question,pirates like shiney|||good on ya, chum. |||crap,,
If everybody is kungfu fighting, would you join in or would you run as fast as lightning?
Join in but since i don't know kung fu, i'll bring a steel chair and kendo sticks|||鈥?/a>
Kung Fu Fighting Song|||I would join in. With expert timing. It would be a little bit frightening.|||aha i'd join in tbh, imagine it everyone fighting like jackie chan lol
brilliant!|||Run, hide ~ just get the heck out of the way lol :)|||I'm with Debbie's angel, we would both run and hide (though I can't run as fast as lightning). ; P|||would you join in
it is fun|||i like a good fight once in a while.|||I can't any more I became 30 years old:}*
Kung Fu Fighting Song|||I would join in. With expert timing. It would be a little bit frightening.|||aha i'd join in tbh, imagine it everyone fighting like jackie chan lol
brilliant!|||Run, hide ~ just get the heck out of the way lol :)|||I'm with Debbie's angel, we would both run and hide (though I can't run as fast as lightning). ; P|||would you join in
it is fun|||i like a good fight once in a while.|||I can't any more I became 30 years old:}*
Where can i find ninjutsu(ninja) or kungfu class in malaysia?
i want to know if theres any of these classes in petaling jaya, shah alam, damansara or kulala lumpur..|||While you're waiting for someone to post a more specific contact information regarding your search. If you're serious enough I suggest the following step for you to take.
First thing you have to do is check your local yellow pages or phone book, look for the all the available schools your area has to offer.
The reason I always suggest to look in the phone book first is due to the fact you're pretty much searching for a school in your local area. You may even find one a few blocks down from you. Using the phone book as your first step will make your search faster and easier because all the information such address and phone number are available for you right there.
Secondly, if you are not having any success with this type search, After all the vigorous research on styles and decided on a particular style of martial arts. Try contacting an organization of that particular style on the internet and ask if they can refer schools or instructors available in your local area.
Please note that there are good number of good instructors that do not advertise or teach for commercial purpose thus you won't see them advertise anywhere. They are mostly located in private gyms or community centers. Just them a call and even if they don't have a program ask to see who they can refer you to.
One last thing, I don't mean to sound abrasive, but If the above suggestion is too much work for you, then the probability of you being serious in joining a martial arts school is less than zero. I am sorry to say this but, there's plenty of answerer's here that wants to sincerely help you in your quest, but you have to do your part.
Hope this helps and good luck with your search.|||i dont know much about malaysia but i heard about malaysian marshall art "seelak"so why you are not trying it.
First thing you have to do is check your local yellow pages or phone book, look for the all the available schools your area has to offer.
The reason I always suggest to look in the phone book first is due to the fact you're pretty much searching for a school in your local area. You may even find one a few blocks down from you. Using the phone book as your first step will make your search faster and easier because all the information such address and phone number are available for you right there.
Secondly, if you are not having any success with this type search, After all the vigorous research on styles and decided on a particular style of martial arts. Try contacting an organization of that particular style on the internet and ask if they can refer schools or instructors available in your local area.
Please note that there are good number of good instructors that do not advertise or teach for commercial purpose thus you won't see them advertise anywhere. They are mostly located in private gyms or community centers. Just them a call and even if they don't have a program ask to see who they can refer you to.
One last thing, I don't mean to sound abrasive, but If the above suggestion is too much work for you, then the probability of you being serious in joining a martial arts school is less than zero. I am sorry to say this but, there's plenty of answerer's here that wants to sincerely help you in your quest, but you have to do your part.
Hope this helps and good luck with your search.|||i dont know much about malaysia but i heard about malaysian marshall art "seelak"so why you are not trying it.
Wall-E or Kungfu panda , Which is oscar winner this year ?
I love both , but one of these will win finally , which u pick for oscar ?|||"WALL-E" seems to have a bit more momentum going into awards season, especially since it just won the Golden Globe. Pixar does well in this category, and a big plus for Academy voters is the fact that the film throws back to old Hollywood with the "Hello, Dolly" references. All that considered, I'm thinking "WALL-E" is a shoe-in for the Oscar.|||Wall-E is soooo cute! I love that movie.
Not a huge fan of Kung-Fu Panda, but it's ok.|||Wall-E is more of a drama... it will probably win
it was awesome too|||I hated Wall-E and I thought Kung Fu Panda was cute! =) But I think that Wall-E will win! I would pick Kung Fu Panda though!
Not a huge fan of Kung-Fu Panda, but it's ok.|||Wall-E is more of a drama... it will probably win
it was awesome too|||I hated Wall-E and I thought Kung Fu Panda was cute! =) But I think that Wall-E will win! I would pick Kung Fu Panda though!
What does Tai chi have to do with Kungfu?
Tai Chi is a style of Kung Fu, just like Hung Gar, Northern Shaolin, or Hsing - I. As a fighting style, Tai Chi focuses on yielding to and redirecting an attack with explosive, whip-like power. To develope the subtle skill needed to pull this off in combat, the training emphasizes relaxation and whole-body power. Part of this training is the slow-motion form training that most people are familiar with.|||Not a damn thing if you ask me..!!|||Tai chi is a good way to calm the mind down after getting wired from intense activity. It's a lot like meditation.|||Tai Chi is style of Kung Fu. Kung Fu contains all styles|||Tai chi is an internal style of Kung Fu|||everyone teaches yang tai chi now, which is calming and slow. The original chen tai chi was for fighting.|||Its a style of kungfu
What do you think of chinese kungfu? useful for real combat? my site. I want to know what do you think of chinese kungfu. so I can better do it.|||Having used it for more than 30 years successfully in such situations I can say that it is useful. Of course I was trained specifically for combat so that makes a bit of difference. If you don't train for practical usage then no style is going to be of much help in real combat.|||yea i mean it worked for david carradine.|||Kung fu rocks|||Not against sabres, canons and rpg's. Kung fu is not a martial art. Its a martial art of defense.|||Its an ancient form of "MARTIAL Arts".
Obviously it is useful for real combat.|||kungfu is good against kungfu or maybe other traditional styles, but i dont think its gonna get you very far if your saftey really depended on it|||Chinese kungfu is not the best for real combat|||Wing Chun is designed for combat and self defense applications.|||For pure fighting, you can't beat the Gracie's style of Ju-Jitsu.|||1- just because it is "ancient" doesn't mean it is good today.
2- the ony real answer here is that IT DEPENDS ON HOW YOU TRAIN.
If you train realistically with fully resisting partners (eventually) and cross-train against other styles, then you are preparing yourself well for "real" combat- I say real because if someone is unarmed, it is a whole different ball game than if they have a weapon- in that case no unarmed style is going to give you an advantage.
3- CMA (kung fu is properly called, "Chinese Martial Arts") has a reputation for NOT TRAINING WITH RESISTANCE.
Many places do in fact operate like what I like to call a "pajama party" meaning you are merely dressing up in the uniform and doing "forms" (the CMA equivalent of kata) or compliant drilling.
The problem with "forms" is that while some may operate as a form of stregth training using your body weight or shadowboxing equivalent. many many teachers don't teach you how to apply them and the school doesn't even do two man drills with full resistance to even test the understanding.
5- it CAN be usefull in "real" unarmed combat if trained properly. I myself know people (including myself) who also train in CMA and have used it to cross train against other styles successfully. I also know someone who has competed in San Da and an amateur MMA events with CMA and used it successfully.
6- Limits- the thing about CMA is that it doesn't train your ground game much on average and the term "anti-grappling" is bogus. Claims of "anti-grappling" techniques are shown that the techniques do not work with any regularity against a trained grappler. Like boxing, CMA is only part of the puzzle. Most are striking arts with limited grappling applications and most of those that have are stand up grappling or locks.
7- the KEY POINT IS THAT IT MUST BE TRAINED REALISTICALLY- I say it again because it is that important.|||I've been doing it since I was born and it is deffinetly useful for real combat. My teacher has gotten into so many street fights by force that he is as good as Master Alex Kwok|||Why do you question a Martial Art thats been refined thousands of years before you. They've figured everything out. The Western culture has no idea of the practical knowledge the ancient Chinese and Japanese had well before we fricken started trying to take over the world.
If you study any Martial Art diligently you will become proficient. If you are a lousy student, you will become a lousy you will never be proficient and never be a Martial Artist.
http://www.pacificwingchunassociation.co鈥?/a>|||Bluto cover it already.
I wouldn't trust any kung fu school unless it's San Shou or San Da.
Obviously it is useful for real combat.|||kungfu is good against kungfu or maybe other traditional styles, but i dont think its gonna get you very far if your saftey really depended on it|||Chinese kungfu is not the best for real combat|||Wing Chun is designed for combat and self defense applications.|||For pure fighting, you can't beat the Gracie's style of Ju-Jitsu.|||1- just because it is "ancient" doesn't mean it is good today.
2- the ony real answer here is that IT DEPENDS ON HOW YOU TRAIN.
If you train realistically with fully resisting partners (eventually) and cross-train against other styles, then you are preparing yourself well for "real" combat- I say real because if someone is unarmed, it is a whole different ball game than if they have a weapon- in that case no unarmed style is going to give you an advantage.
3- CMA (kung fu is properly called, "Chinese Martial Arts") has a reputation for NOT TRAINING WITH RESISTANCE.
Many places do in fact operate like what I like to call a "pajama party" meaning you are merely dressing up in the uniform and doing "forms" (the CMA equivalent of kata) or compliant drilling.
The problem with "forms" is that while some may operate as a form of stregth training using your body weight or shadowboxing equivalent. many many teachers don't teach you how to apply them and the school doesn't even do two man drills with full resistance to even test the understanding.
5- it CAN be usefull in "real" unarmed combat if trained properly. I myself know people (including myself) who also train in CMA and have used it to cross train against other styles successfully. I also know someone who has competed in San Da and an amateur MMA events with CMA and used it successfully.
6- Limits- the thing about CMA is that it doesn't train your ground game much on average and the term "anti-grappling" is bogus. Claims of "anti-grappling" techniques are shown that the techniques do not work with any regularity against a trained grappler. Like boxing, CMA is only part of the puzzle. Most are striking arts with limited grappling applications and most of those that have are stand up grappling or locks.
7- the KEY POINT IS THAT IT MUST BE TRAINED REALISTICALLY- I say it again because it is that important.|||I've been doing it since I was born and it is deffinetly useful for real combat. My teacher has gotten into so many street fights by force that he is as good as Master Alex Kwok|||Why do you question a Martial Art thats been refined thousands of years before you. They've figured everything out. The Western culture has no idea of the practical knowledge the ancient Chinese and Japanese had well before we fricken started trying to take over the world.
If you study any Martial Art diligently you will become proficient. If you are a lousy student, you will become a lousy you will never be proficient and never be a Martial Artist.
http://www.pacificwingchunassociation.co鈥?/a>|||Bluto cover it already.
I wouldn't trust any kung fu school unless it's San Shou or San Da.
Looking for these old chinese kungfu movies?
Im looking for these movies but i cnt remember the names
1. One of them was with with three girls on teams and it played on tnt and one of the girls blew up at the end of the movie
2. Another one was this guy that wore black and had a mask like a clown mask he looked like an assassin
3. And the other is some movie that people were gettin thrown into a pit of snakes|||I dont know about the rest but the second one is the Black Mask starring Jet Li
1. One of them was with with three girls on teams and it played on tnt and one of the girls blew up at the end of the movie
2. Another one was this guy that wore black and had a mask like a clown mask he looked like an assassin
3. And the other is some movie that people were gettin thrown into a pit of snakes|||I dont know about the rest but the second one is the Black Mask starring Jet Li
Was there a championship in USA where karate, judo, Chinese kungfu etc experts gather and compete annually?
That was the idea of the original Ultimate Fight Championships (UFC). It was supposed to allow for the different styles to compete against each other without any rules. The problem was rules had to be established to prevent serious injuries. Eventually this morphed into what has now become known as MMA. Too bad...|||sorry its Bruce Lee.
|||Bruce Lee never won anything in terms of a martial arts competition...come on people quit believing the hype.
||| what about this.|||The US Open...The Arnold Classic...and many more. The NASKA, NBL and WAKO circuits all are not about style vs style but rather about the best vs the best.
Report Abuse
|||Bruce Lee never won anything in terms of a martial arts competition...come on people quit believing the hype.
Report Abuse
||| what about this.|||The US Open...The Arnold Classic...and many more. The NASKA, NBL and WAKO circuits all are not about style vs style but rather about the best vs the best.
What are the Benefits of learning shaolin Kungfu from CHINA? hostel facilities are available in shaolin?
what are the benefits of learning kungfu from china?
does hostel facilities are available there?
does china is less expensive country to live in
i am very thin and weak,can a person of 30 years age can learn kung fu?
instead of going to china,if i will go to thailand to learn kick boxing will be more better alternative? does thailand is less expensive country?
tell me your personal expierence too, from where you had learn martial arts? or you want to go in china or thailnad?
what about japan? give me information regarding that also|||This one answer is for your Korea/TKD question too.
Join a local school. Set up a tent in your backyard. Get up at 5:30, do 100 push ups, sit ups and run for two miles. Then practice form and drills for an hour. Eat a small breakfast, go to work, then class. After class have a small dinner and go to bet in your tent. Try this for a month, then get back to me.
If you want to learn a martial art, you do not have to go to a far off land. There are good schools, with good instructors everywhere. If you want to get stronger, work out more. Same goes for any martial art, the more you train, the better you get.
Besides, what would you do without cable tv, high speed internet, and soft server ice cream?
|||I think you are a little mixed up !
Why don't you get to a good school where you are now:
Then after going there for a while, if you are very good at
this sport, i am sure you will get the attention of the
instructor or others whom are more serious of this sport !
This way you will have friends doing the same thing you
like , able to instruct and inform you . Nothing happens
quickly without effort, there are no short cuts ! Especially
in Kung Fu ! is of course much easier, if in your
country it is a normal thing you grow up with, like in China,
Thailand and those places. It does not make you equal
just by going to that Country.|||Under the Communist regime, I don't think that Shaolin martial arts are taught in China anymore!|||Better to have the crap kicked out of ya by someone who truly knows it, than by some white guy that learnt it from a book.|||you should learn in your own country first. i think language barrier will be a big problem.
shaolin is more lifelong practice. i guess you can never be too old to learn though but your body will probably be harder to train than when you were young.
i don't think kickboxing is that great. if you see them fight other disciplines they always lose! but it's better than nothing.
if you are just interested in quick self defense techniques you might want to look into akido or krav maga
go here and scroll down to "variation and scope"鈥?/a>
i think you should do a little more research and find which suits you best then try to learn in your own country first along with some of the language then you can go do a pilgrimage and visit the origin country.
you need to do it gradually instead of jumping in
does hostel facilities are available there?
does china is less expensive country to live in
i am very thin and weak,can a person of 30 years age can learn kung fu?
instead of going to china,if i will go to thailand to learn kick boxing will be more better alternative? does thailand is less expensive country?
tell me your personal expierence too, from where you had learn martial arts? or you want to go in china or thailnad?
what about japan? give me information regarding that also|||This one answer is for your Korea/TKD question too.
Join a local school. Set up a tent in your backyard. Get up at 5:30, do 100 push ups, sit ups and run for two miles. Then practice form and drills for an hour. Eat a small breakfast, go to work, then class. After class have a small dinner and go to bet in your tent. Try this for a month, then get back to me.
If you want to learn a martial art, you do not have to go to a far off land. There are good schools, with good instructors everywhere. If you want to get stronger, work out more. Same goes for any martial art, the more you train, the better you get.
Besides, what would you do without cable tv, high speed internet, and soft server ice cream?
|||I think you are a little mixed up !
Why don't you get to a good school where you are now:
Then after going there for a while, if you are very good at
this sport, i am sure you will get the attention of the
instructor or others whom are more serious of this sport !
This way you will have friends doing the same thing you
like , able to instruct and inform you . Nothing happens
quickly without effort, there are no short cuts ! Especially
in Kung Fu ! is of course much easier, if in your
country it is a normal thing you grow up with, like in China,
Thailand and those places. It does not make you equal
just by going to that Country.|||Under the Communist regime, I don't think that Shaolin martial arts are taught in China anymore!|||Better to have the crap kicked out of ya by someone who truly knows it, than by some white guy that learnt it from a book.|||you should learn in your own country first. i think language barrier will be a big problem.
shaolin is more lifelong practice. i guess you can never be too old to learn though but your body will probably be harder to train than when you were young.
i don't think kickboxing is that great. if you see them fight other disciplines they always lose! but it's better than nothing.
if you are just interested in quick self defense techniques you might want to look into akido or krav maga
go here and scroll down to "variation and scope"鈥?/a>
i think you should do a little more research and find which suits you best then try to learn in your own country first along with some of the language then you can go do a pilgrimage and visit the origin country.
you need to do it gradually instead of jumping in
After watching 'KungFu Panda' we can learn from 'Nothing....Blank'. Is it a real lesson or a false one?
I am talking on the Cartoon Movie. Normally the Cartoons tell U more story to Fantasy, Snow White, Cinderalla, etc etc.
Do U agreed?|||Every story has moral values that everyone can learn...
Snow White: There's always people that will help you through life.
Cinderella: If you can dream, if you work hard on it, you'll get great success.
(I know that my moral values are kinda childish, but I am a kid XD)|||yes it is and you can find it on zen knowledges|||CCCCCAAAAARRRRTTTTOOOOONNNNNN IDIOT
Do U agreed?|||Every story has moral values that everyone can learn...
Snow White: There's always people that will help you through life.
Cinderella: If you can dream, if you work hard on it, you'll get great success.
(I know that my moral values are kinda childish, but I am a kid XD)|||yes it is and you can find it on zen knowledges|||CCCCCAAAAARRRRTTTTOOOOONNNNNN IDIOT
Yiquan is one of the most effetive kungfu in the you beleive it?
It is said his founder and successor have never be defeated.|||Yiquan is a derivative style from other Chinese internal systems like Xingyi and Bagua. The founder has lost fights but those are indeed few. 'Never been defeated,' is a flat out lie. I don't think it's the most effective kungfu in the world. The style founder may have boasted so but himself wasn't good enough to prove it.|||wheres the proof of their undefeated streak?|||I have never been defeated either!!!
Of course, I have never fought hehe
But, to quote any number of martial arts movies, "My Wu-Tang is superior to your {insert name of style here}!"|||Why don't you take it then contact me when you're ready to prove it? I can easily get a promoter to arrange this.|||I've never heard that it's any better then other styles or that they were undefeated. If they are boasting that, they are lying and shouldn't be trusted. My headmaster admits to his faults and errors when asked about them and has never boasted of anything to my knowledge. The closest thing I've ever heard to a boast is that he is the only Sensei that's been able to get the Shaolin headmaster to visit the United States.|||it can be most effective but they cannot claim it is never be defeated.
It depends on the opponents.
I am never been defeated if I fight with the little girls in kindergarten.|||No.
Use your common sense.|||Wang fought to a draw with a White Crane master. Look it up.|||Yiquan is a derivative style from other Chinese internal systems like Xingyi and Bagua. The founder has lost fights but those are indeed few. 'Never been defeated,' is a flat out lie. I don't think it's the most effective kungfu in the world. The style founder may have boasted so but himself wasn't good enough to prove it.|||wheres the proof of their undefeated streak?|||I have never been defeated either!!!
Of course, I have never fought hehe
But, to quote any number of martial arts movies, "My Wu-Tang is superior to your {insert name of style here}!"|||Why don't you take it then contact me when you're ready to prove it? I can easily get a promoter to arrange this.|||I've never heard that it's any better then other styles or that they were undefeated. If they are boasting that, they are lying and shouldn't be trusted. My headmaster admits to his faults and errors when asked about them and has never boasted of anything to my knowledge. The closest thing I've ever heard to a boast is that he is the only Sensei that's been able to get the Shaolin headmaster to visit the United States.|||it can be most effective but they cannot claim it is never be defeated.
It depends on the opponents.
I am never been defeated if I fight with the little girls in kindergarten.|||No.
Use your common sense.|||Wang fought to a draw with a White Crane master. Look it up.
What would you like to ask?hello any kungfu channel in hindhi is opened?
for kungfu channel|||No.
Wrong section.
Wrong section.
Hapkido, Karate, Kungfu, TaeKwonDo, what is the difference between them all and how do I decide which is more?
I am not so concerned with you answering which style is from where, I meant with the movement although if you feel the some unknown history is important for me to know feel free.
does one of them contain more graceful moves than the others? one more flips?
I like the idea of doing flips..|||Karate as a Martial Art combines smooth, flowing, evasive movements with sudden hand strikes. In Karate the emphasis is on power. With its vast range of kicks, hand strikes and escape techniques Karate covers a broad spectrum of self defence and, as such, has an obvious attraction for men, women and children of all ages.
However, the wado-ryu style of karate, "way of peace and harmony", founded by by Hironori Ohtsuka, a student of Gichin Funakoshi, in 1939. This style of karate combines basic movements of jujitsu with techniques of evasion, putting a strong emphasis on softness and the way of harmony or spiritual discipline. Wado-kai or ryu is one of the four major styles of karate in Japan. Trained in classical bujutsu (the techniques of the samurai), Sensei Ohtsuka applied this outlook and experience to his teachings. Some of the harsher resistive or hard contact elements of sparring technique, typical of many karate styles, are not present in Wado. Sensei Ohtsuka rejected hardening certain parts of the body, such as hand conditioning, as useless preparation.
While learning Hapkido the student acquires numerous skills. These include Tan-Jeon breathing for improved general health, fitness and power. Also practised are a wide variety of kicks, punches, blocks and strikes. As the student develops they will go on to learn tripping, throws, wrist %26amp; arm locks and holds. At advanced levels the Hapkido students can also study weapons like sword, staff, fan, dan-bong (short stick), cane and belt.
Kung fu and wushu are popular terms that have become synonymous with Chinese martial arts. However the Chinese terms kung fu and wushu have very different meanings. Wushu can describe greatly varying martial arts traditions. Kung-fu can be used in a context without any martial arts whatsoever. Colloquially, kung-fu (or gung fu) alludes to any individual accomplishment or cultivated skill obtained by long and hard work. In contrast, wushu is a more precise term that refers to general martial activities. The term wushu has also become the name for a modern sport similar to gymnastics involving the performance of adapted Chinese bare-handed and weapons forms judged to a set of contemporary aesthetic criteria for points.
There are also many different styles of kung-fu.
A typical class will include:
Basics are a vital part of the training, as a student cannot progress to the more advanced stages without them; without strong and flexible muscles including the management of the concept of "Chi" (breath, or energy) and proper body mechanics, many movements of Chinese martial arts are simply impossible to perform correctly. Basics training may involve a series of simple movements that are performed repeatedly over a short interval; examples of basics training include stretching, stance work, rudimentary conditioning, meditation and basic kicking and punching techniques.
Stances are structural postures employed in Chinese martial arts training. They represent the foundation and exaggerated form of a fighter's base. Each style has different names and variations for each stance. Stances may be differentiated by foot position, weight distribution, body alignment, etc. Stance training can be practiced statically, the goal of which is to maintain the structure of the stance through a set time period, or dynamically, in which case a series of movements is performed repeatedly. The horse riding stance and the bow stance are examples of a stances found in many styles of Chinese martial arts.
In many Chinese Martial Art systems, meditation is considered to be an important component of basic training. Meditation can be used to develop focus, mental clarity and can act as a basis for qigong training.
Forms or taolu in Chinese are series of predetermined movements combined so they can be practiced as one linear set of movements. Forms were originally intended to preserve the lineage of a particular style branch, and were often taught to advanced students who were selected to preserve the art's lineage. Forms were designed to contain both literal, representative and exercise-oriented forms of applicable techniques which would be extracted, tested and trained by students through sparring sessions.
Many believe that Kung Fu form needs to be both practical, usable, and applicable as well as promoting flow, meditation, flexibility, balance and coordination. Often kung fu teachers are heard to say "train your form as if you were sparring and spar as if it were a form."
Taekwondo is a Korean martial art and literally means “The way of the Hand and Foot”. It is a good means of self-defence and principally uses blocks, kicks, punches, locks and restraints to achieve this.
Sorry for the essay!|||Hapkido- Tae Kwon Do style kicks along with joint manipulation.
Tae Kwon Do- Legs are primary weapons punches are also included. Some styles of TKD also have knees and elbows and are very similar to Muay Thai.
Karate and Kung Fu- I haven't taken them so I can't say for sure.|||Hapkido - bares a lot of similarity to Aikido. It's a Korean grappling art. It deals with joint locks, throws, and pressure points like Aikido. I think it teaches weapons.
Karate - very popular style obviously and comes in many flavors. Very linear style/hard style (not like difficulty). Hard/Linear style means it's more direct and focuses more on strength and impact like breaking bricks and boards. Teaches weapons as well. Focuses a lot on punching. A striking art. Overall, a pretty balance style.
Tae Kwon Do - similar to Karate as it's a linear/hard style as well though it relies a lot of kicks. It's more of a sport than fighting style. It has stylish kicking moves and fanciful footwork. Not very useful when you're pinned down on the ground and when you've broken your leg. lol Teaches weapons too like Karate.
Kung Fu - it focuses a lot of speed and technique. When I say technique I mean like how you punch and where you punch. It's more an art like graceful movements. Kung Fu has linear/hard styles like Wushu and Hung Gar and circular/soft styles like Tai Chi and Baguazhang. Teaches Chinese weapons.
If you like doing flips then I really suggest TKD and Capoeira. Wushu can be your alternate choice.|||Hapkido uses pressure points and joint locks
Karate is striking that uses both hands and feet
Kung Fu is what Shaolin Monks do, they have different forms and ways of attacking, and is kind of acrobatic.
Taekwondo uses mainly kicks which I find effective but useless when in close quarters
If you really want to do more graceful and show martial arts you should really pick Wing Chun.|||Hapkido is a synthesis of Karate, Judo, and Tae Kwan Do, and it is considered the most practical martial art ever developed in Korea as it is relatively easy to learn, and you can apply it in self defense within a year of learning it.
Karate is a blend of native Okinawan martial arts originally called "To Te Jitsu," I am unfamiliar with the Okinawan name (Okinawan and Japanese are separate languages), and Chinese Kung Fu, especifically, the Fujian Crane style, and Hung Gar Chuan, both southern styles. Its emphasis is defensive, and a counter offensive, delivered with maximum power and speed, to end a fight as quickly as humanly possible, at the highest levels with a single strike. It also involves joint locking techniques which it borrowed from its Kung Fu roots, specifically Chin Na, and the Shotokan and Kyokshin styles both incorporate throws from Judo.
Kung Fu is divided, generally, into two major families; the northern and southern school, both originating from the northern and southern shaolin temples respectively. Each of those styles is subdivided into internal, and external martial arts. Internal Kung Fu emphasizes meditation, while external emphasizes the body's physical fitness.
The major styles are;
Tai Chi Chuan, and the five major variants (Chen, Yang, Wu, Hao, and Sun).
Hung Gar Chuan, a style originating from the southern temple.
Praying Mantis, also from the southern temple and a heavy influence on Hung Gar.
Fujian Crane style; developed by I believe a woman, who was a student of Hung Gar, but was inspired when, trying to whack some cranes that were bothering her while she was washing clothes, despite being trained with the staff, the was unsuccessful at hitting any of them.
Tibetan Crane style, not to be confused with Fujian, taught initially in the north, and one of the styles chosen by the imperial guard, the other two being Shuia Jiao and Tai Chi. What allowed the Chinese emperors to burn down the Shaolin temples, was the raw power of this style. Many of the soldiers who slaughtered the monks were in their own right experts in the Tibetan Crane style, a style that when perfected, makes it impossible to hit the practitioner. Although, a variant is taught at Shaolin or it was anyway to my knowledge. The monks took down many soldiers, but in the end they were overwhelmed by numbers.
Monkey Kung Fu, which is a form as well as a separate style.
Drunken Fist, which is a variation of Hung Gar emphasizing dodging.
From those major styles, a myriad of variants developed which means there are literally tens of thousands. Then there is also Shuia Jiao (Chinese wrestling) from which likely Jiu Jitsu was born, as well as Chin Na.
In terms of "beauty," I would have to go with Shaolin; the 108 step "master's forms" are often very graceful when performed correctly.
Finally there is Tae Kwan Do, which originated from an ancient Korean art called "Taekyon," dating back all the way to before the Christian era, and later on it has been speculated, adopting moves from the northern Shaolin temple. Highly likely since if you look at the location of the old northern temple on the map, it is actually not far from Korea, and after it was burned likely some monks escaped to Korea where they may have trained the soldiers there.
How else where they gonna eat?
Tae Kwan Do does indeed have a very limited range of hand techniques as the martial art focuses almost exclusively on kicking.
Still though; Shaolin Kung Fu has more kicks than Tae Kwan Do, more throws than Judo, techniques more powerful than Karate's, and the way it is taught and trained it, is actually even simpler than in Aikido. That is, all fitness in Kung Fu is geared to prepare you for the martial art itself.
If you like doing flips, I would go with the Monkey style.
If you just wanna look good, probably Tae Kwan Do or Shaolin, although, Shaolin also works, it doesn't just look good. Not saying Tae Kwan Do doesn't, just not as well as it is less complete.
good luck.|||Hapkido= Think of it as Korean Aikido. It uses throws, joint locks, and various strikes, it is kick heavy in it's striking (as most Korean arts are) but it has sort of a wide array of techniques. It has little to no flipping, unless you count making your opponent flip. It is a very flowing style, it can appear graceful.
Karate: This is a general term, for many many different Japanese hard style arts. Hard to say, but what you have is mainly striking (punching, elbowing, kneeing and kicking), hard blocking, with a lot of differences between styles really. It is like saying "I do sports". There are some pretty big differences between the styles, but they are all mostly striking based. Not so much graceful as powerful, little to no flipping, unless of course you count flipping an opponent.
Kung Fu: Also broad based term for Chinese type of styles. You have a wide variance and variety, there are many styles of Kung Fu that are very acrobatic (flipping), and some that are very aesthetically pleasing. There are major differences from one style to the next, so it is hard to say. Tai Chi Chuan is very different than say Wing Chun. But both are commonly called Kung Fu. So it is hard to say... but it is very graceful in most applications, and there are some styles of it that are very acrobatic.
Tae Kwon Do: Korean style, striking oriented, heavy use of kicks, while certain styles or schools may work more on some of the throws, or joint locks, it is still a very kick based Martial Art. Here you can find practioners who become very acrobatic and get involved in XMA (Extreme Martial Arts). Most of you big time XMA and unnarmed exhibition competetors or TKD based. It is currently labelled as the most prolific style in the world, meaning it has the most schools.
I personally would caution against an art or school that emphasized flipping, and tricking. Mainly because this has no combat effectiveness, and just looks cool.
Ultimately it is what is available to you, and what place you enjoy the most. I can tell you more than likely you will be able to find a TKD and some form of Karate almost anywhere you are. Hapkido and Kung Fu styles are much less prevalent, and therefore you won't always be able to find a school near you.
Good luck!|||It would be easier to list the similarities, that being that if you have a good instructor and train right they can all be very effective.
Too list the differences, no offense to bob t, would take far more time and resources then anyone here has. For instance I will simply address karate.
Starting off you have three main branches of karate:
1) The original Okinawin karate- Okinawin karate is noted for it's intense conditioning and it's no nonsense self defense. Despite what many who do not know it think, it contains a lot of stand up grappling, including locks, throws, chokes, sweeps, take downs, techniques for fighting in a clinch. Most Okinawin styles keep their kicks low. Stances in Okinawin karate tend to be more upright for more mobility. Okinawin karate uses much moving and avoiding techniques while counterstriking. Most are a blending of hard and soft techniques.
2) The japanese styles that were developed from the Okinawin versions.- These tend to be more sport oriented, with wider, deeper stances, and more focus on raw power. These can still be highly effective if taught right and trained well.
3) The hybred styles that have been put together over the years by various people, that run the spectrum from great to pi** poor.
I could go on and on just about karate, so you can see my point.
Rather then style here is my suggestion:
1) Make a list of all of the schools and classes availible in your area.(that's the problem with people recomending styles, not everything is taught everywhere)
2) Go here They have an excellent list on what to avoid and what to look for in a good school, regardless of style. You could also do a search on here, as there are many good questions and answers about finding a good school.
3) Visit all of the schools/styles that have an interest to you and watch a few classes, and maybe even participate if they have free trial classes.
4) Figure out which school is the best according to the list you have, and the questions you will ask of the instructor, and if it fullfills what you are looking for.
Any martial art if trained well will meet your needs. Be aware that some like karate, kung fu, TKD, will take a little bit longer to put into actual application. This does not mean they are worse, it is just the way they are designed to be taught.
It really doesn't matter if you winde up in one of the ones you listed, or Judo, or Akido, or BJJ, or Muay Thai, or Krav Maga, or MMA etc.
I would rather see you get training at the best school or gym avalible that you can afford, because you will be much better off in the long run.|||Hapkido is korean. it is one of (if not THE) most complete of the traditional arts. it has everything. it comes from aikijujutsu(from japan) has the throws, and locks of judo, jujutsu, and aikijujutsu. it also has the strikes, and pressure points of an old korean art called tae kyon. similar to taekwondo. most hapkido has no forms (kata/hyung). there are 2 main lineages though.
yong, shul choi ...the original founders lineage..he pretty much just taught daito ryu aikijujutsu. it was really nothing korean.
ji, han je lineage...a student of the original founder..but he encorporated the kicks and strikes of tae kyon, as well as taoist breathing exercises and meditation.
hapkido is not taught with forms...or patterns. it is taught using techniques and principles. it is based on 3 main principles
1 yu (ju in japanese) "flowing like water" Water never struggles with any object that it encounters! It exhibits tremendous patience and adaptability in it's engagement with any obstacle it faces during the natural 'downhill flow'. Rather than rising in direct conflict with an adversary, the Hapkido student seeks to join with, or adapt to the opponent and their motions, in order that a the 'clashing' so commonly seen in many martial arts, is avoided. Although this is a demonstration of a keen ability to adapt, it is important to realize water never changes itself. The Hapkido practitioner must learn to adapt in this same way
2 won (circular motion) A circle represents the perfect geometric figure. Every person has his or her own circle that is their "private space." It is this circle that we seek to protect. An opponent's attack should be met with a graceful, circular defensive motion. We choose not to meet an opponent's force with direct force. Instead, we choose to lead this oncoming force in a circle, deflecting it, so as to minimize its effect. Therefore, we end up redirecting an opponents force against himself. We should think of this circle as a form of least resistance; always moving (active), and therefore difficult to hold or grasp.
3 hwa (harmony or non resistance) The learning of Hapkido is accomplished through the continuous generation of harmony between mind, body, techniques, and environment. Harmony is the most important element one should strive to achieve through their training. How often in your training do you feel that your mind has "learned" a new technique, only to find that your body is not embracing this new knowledge as rapidly as you desire? Each time we perform a technique, connections are made between the brain and the muscles which control the movements of the technique. Every maneuver you learn through Hapkido training has it's own special 'control center' inside the brain. We practice what we are shown countless times so that our body and mind will eventually act as one unit in response to a confrontation.
After one achieves harmony within himself, the next requirement is to harmonize with one's opponent. Having accomplishing this, the Hapkido student will find it quite easy to control the movements and energy of an opponent. We seek to blend or harmonize with the attack to create the defense. The words "non-resistance" are often substituted for harmony in defining the theory of Hwa. Before an attack can be directed in a circular manner, it must first be received or intercepted with a non-direct block or maneuver, thus allowing a harmony to be created using the opponents oncoming force to fuel the defending motion.
Following this, learning to harmonize with one's environment is the next stage. The final task is blending the harmony that one has developed with himself, his opponent, and the environment, with that of the techniques.
Once the mind and body are unified, the techniques will feel "natural." It is not enough to merely know the technique; this knowledge must become reflexive, or "second nature."
karate:...okinawan karate is very well rounded. taught with kata (forms) is GREATLY misunderstood...even by many of its own practitioners. it takes a long time to learn and perfect. but it encorporates not only strikes and kicks, but throws, joint locks, and pressure points as well. if its lacking anything, like most traditional arts, it is lacking groundfighting.
japanese karate looks similar, also taught with on the other hand is mainly concentrated on striking and kicking. hard impact style karate. some styles teach grappling, but striking and kicking is the main focus.
taekwondo: is korean, but it comes directly from japanese karate. but with much more emphasis on kicking. its flashy kicks come from an art called tae kyon. an old korean kicking style. has evolved into a uniquely korean art however as they changed the kata(forms) and added tae kyon kicking techniques. it is largely little more than a sport today least in the west. i never learned or seen any taekwondo practitioner use throws, or joint locks at all. it is a striking system.
if you want a well rounded style...hapkido or okinawan karate would be good choices. although i'd say hapkido is quicker to learn.
if you want strictly a striking art...japanese karate or taekwondo would do well...these two would also do well for "point sparring".
if you want hard contact during sparring, okinawan or japanese karate are probably best.
the biggest thing though is to have a good school, with a good teacher.
id rather learn a less effective art from a great teacher, than learn the ultimate martial art from a bad teacher.
I am not so concerned with you answering which style is from where, I meant with the movement although if you feel the some unknown history is important for me to know feel free.
does one of them contain more graceful moves than the others? one more flips?
I like the idea of doing flips..|||Karate as a Martial Art combines smooth, flowing, evasive movements with sudden hand strikes. In Karate the emphasis is on power. With its vast range of kicks, hand strikes and escape techniques Karate covers a broad spectrum of self defence and, as such, has an obvious attraction for men, women and children of all ages.
However, the wado-ryu style of karate, "way of peace and harmony", founded by by Hironori Ohtsuka, a student of Gichin Funakoshi, in 1939. This style of karate combines basic movements of jujitsu with techniques of evasion, putting a strong emphasis on softness and the way of harmony or spiritual discipline. Wado-kai or ryu is one of the four major styles of karate in Japan. Trained in classical bujutsu (the techniques of the samurai), Sensei Ohtsuka applied this outlook and experience to his teachings. Some of the harsher resistive or hard contact elements of sparring technique, typical of many karate styles, are not present in Wado. Sensei Ohtsuka rejected hardening certain parts of the body, such as hand conditioning, as useless preparation.
While learning Hapkido the student acquires numerous skills. These include Tan-Jeon breathing for improved general health, fitness and power. Also practised are a wide variety of kicks, punches, blocks and strikes. As the student develops they will go on to learn tripping, throws, wrist %26amp; arm locks and holds. At advanced levels the Hapkido students can also study weapons like sword, staff, fan, dan-bong (short stick), cane and belt.
Kung fu and wushu are popular terms that have become synonymous with Chinese martial arts. However the Chinese terms kung fu and wushu have very different meanings. Wushu can describe greatly varying martial arts traditions. Kung-fu can be used in a context without any martial arts whatsoever. Colloquially, kung-fu (or gung fu) alludes to any individual accomplishment or cultivated skill obtained by long and hard work. In contrast, wushu is a more precise term that refers to general martial activities. The term wushu has also become the name for a modern sport similar to gymnastics involving the performance of adapted Chinese bare-handed and weapons forms judged to a set of contemporary aesthetic criteria for points.
There are also many different styles of kung-fu.
A typical class will include:
Basics are a vital part of the training, as a student cannot progress to the more advanced stages without them; without strong and flexible muscles including the management of the concept of "Chi" (breath, or energy) and proper body mechanics, many movements of Chinese martial arts are simply impossible to perform correctly. Basics training may involve a series of simple movements that are performed repeatedly over a short interval; examples of basics training include stretching, stance work, rudimentary conditioning, meditation and basic kicking and punching techniques.
Stances are structural postures employed in Chinese martial arts training. They represent the foundation and exaggerated form of a fighter's base. Each style has different names and variations for each stance. Stances may be differentiated by foot position, weight distribution, body alignment, etc. Stance training can be practiced statically, the goal of which is to maintain the structure of the stance through a set time period, or dynamically, in which case a series of movements is performed repeatedly. The horse riding stance and the bow stance are examples of a stances found in many styles of Chinese martial arts.
In many Chinese Martial Art systems, meditation is considered to be an important component of basic training. Meditation can be used to develop focus, mental clarity and can act as a basis for qigong training.
Forms or taolu in Chinese are series of predetermined movements combined so they can be practiced as one linear set of movements. Forms were originally intended to preserve the lineage of a particular style branch, and were often taught to advanced students who were selected to preserve the art's lineage. Forms were designed to contain both literal, representative and exercise-oriented forms of applicable techniques which would be extracted, tested and trained by students through sparring sessions.
Many believe that Kung Fu form needs to be both practical, usable, and applicable as well as promoting flow, meditation, flexibility, balance and coordination. Often kung fu teachers are heard to say "train your form as if you were sparring and spar as if it were a form."
Taekwondo is a Korean martial art and literally means “The way of the Hand and Foot”. It is a good means of self-defence and principally uses blocks, kicks, punches, locks and restraints to achieve this.
Sorry for the essay!|||Hapkido- Tae Kwon Do style kicks along with joint manipulation.
Tae Kwon Do- Legs are primary weapons punches are also included. Some styles of TKD also have knees and elbows and are very similar to Muay Thai.
Karate and Kung Fu- I haven't taken them so I can't say for sure.|||Hapkido - bares a lot of similarity to Aikido. It's a Korean grappling art. It deals with joint locks, throws, and pressure points like Aikido. I think it teaches weapons.
Karate - very popular style obviously and comes in many flavors. Very linear style/hard style (not like difficulty). Hard/Linear style means it's more direct and focuses more on strength and impact like breaking bricks and boards. Teaches weapons as well. Focuses a lot on punching. A striking art. Overall, a pretty balance style.
Tae Kwon Do - similar to Karate as it's a linear/hard style as well though it relies a lot of kicks. It's more of a sport than fighting style. It has stylish kicking moves and fanciful footwork. Not very useful when you're pinned down on the ground and when you've broken your leg. lol Teaches weapons too like Karate.
Kung Fu - it focuses a lot of speed and technique. When I say technique I mean like how you punch and where you punch. It's more an art like graceful movements. Kung Fu has linear/hard styles like Wushu and Hung Gar and circular/soft styles like Tai Chi and Baguazhang. Teaches Chinese weapons.
If you like doing flips then I really suggest TKD and Capoeira. Wushu can be your alternate choice.|||Hapkido uses pressure points and joint locks
Karate is striking that uses both hands and feet
Kung Fu is what Shaolin Monks do, they have different forms and ways of attacking, and is kind of acrobatic.
Taekwondo uses mainly kicks which I find effective but useless when in close quarters
If you really want to do more graceful and show martial arts you should really pick Wing Chun.|||Hapkido is a synthesis of Karate, Judo, and Tae Kwan Do, and it is considered the most practical martial art ever developed in Korea as it is relatively easy to learn, and you can apply it in self defense within a year of learning it.
Karate is a blend of native Okinawan martial arts originally called "To Te Jitsu," I am unfamiliar with the Okinawan name (Okinawan and Japanese are separate languages), and Chinese Kung Fu, especifically, the Fujian Crane style, and Hung Gar Chuan, both southern styles. Its emphasis is defensive, and a counter offensive, delivered with maximum power and speed, to end a fight as quickly as humanly possible, at the highest levels with a single strike. It also involves joint locking techniques which it borrowed from its Kung Fu roots, specifically Chin Na, and the Shotokan and Kyokshin styles both incorporate throws from Judo.
Kung Fu is divided, generally, into two major families; the northern and southern school, both originating from the northern and southern shaolin temples respectively. Each of those styles is subdivided into internal, and external martial arts. Internal Kung Fu emphasizes meditation, while external emphasizes the body's physical fitness.
The major styles are;
Tai Chi Chuan, and the five major variants (Chen, Yang, Wu, Hao, and Sun).
Hung Gar Chuan, a style originating from the southern temple.
Praying Mantis, also from the southern temple and a heavy influence on Hung Gar.
Fujian Crane style; developed by I believe a woman, who was a student of Hung Gar, but was inspired when, trying to whack some cranes that were bothering her while she was washing clothes, despite being trained with the staff, the was unsuccessful at hitting any of them.
Tibetan Crane style, not to be confused with Fujian, taught initially in the north, and one of the styles chosen by the imperial guard, the other two being Shuia Jiao and Tai Chi. What allowed the Chinese emperors to burn down the Shaolin temples, was the raw power of this style. Many of the soldiers who slaughtered the monks were in their own right experts in the Tibetan Crane style, a style that when perfected, makes it impossible to hit the practitioner. Although, a variant is taught at Shaolin or it was anyway to my knowledge. The monks took down many soldiers, but in the end they were overwhelmed by numbers.
Monkey Kung Fu, which is a form as well as a separate style.
Drunken Fist, which is a variation of Hung Gar emphasizing dodging.
From those major styles, a myriad of variants developed which means there are literally tens of thousands. Then there is also Shuia Jiao (Chinese wrestling) from which likely Jiu Jitsu was born, as well as Chin Na.
In terms of "beauty," I would have to go with Shaolin; the 108 step "master's forms" are often very graceful when performed correctly.
Finally there is Tae Kwan Do, which originated from an ancient Korean art called "Taekyon," dating back all the way to before the Christian era, and later on it has been speculated, adopting moves from the northern Shaolin temple. Highly likely since if you look at the location of the old northern temple on the map, it is actually not far from Korea, and after it was burned likely some monks escaped to Korea where they may have trained the soldiers there.
How else where they gonna eat?
Tae Kwan Do does indeed have a very limited range of hand techniques as the martial art focuses almost exclusively on kicking.
Still though; Shaolin Kung Fu has more kicks than Tae Kwan Do, more throws than Judo, techniques more powerful than Karate's, and the way it is taught and trained it, is actually even simpler than in Aikido. That is, all fitness in Kung Fu is geared to prepare you for the martial art itself.
If you like doing flips, I would go with the Monkey style.
If you just wanna look good, probably Tae Kwan Do or Shaolin, although, Shaolin also works, it doesn't just look good. Not saying Tae Kwan Do doesn't, just not as well as it is less complete.
good luck.|||Hapkido= Think of it as Korean Aikido. It uses throws, joint locks, and various strikes, it is kick heavy in it's striking (as most Korean arts are) but it has sort of a wide array of techniques. It has little to no flipping, unless you count making your opponent flip. It is a very flowing style, it can appear graceful.
Karate: This is a general term, for many many different Japanese hard style arts. Hard to say, but what you have is mainly striking (punching, elbowing, kneeing and kicking), hard blocking, with a lot of differences between styles really. It is like saying "I do sports". There are some pretty big differences between the styles, but they are all mostly striking based. Not so much graceful as powerful, little to no flipping, unless of course you count flipping an opponent.
Kung Fu: Also broad based term for Chinese type of styles. You have a wide variance and variety, there are many styles of Kung Fu that are very acrobatic (flipping), and some that are very aesthetically pleasing. There are major differences from one style to the next, so it is hard to say. Tai Chi Chuan is very different than say Wing Chun. But both are commonly called Kung Fu. So it is hard to say... but it is very graceful in most applications, and there are some styles of it that are very acrobatic.
Tae Kwon Do: Korean style, striking oriented, heavy use of kicks, while certain styles or schools may work more on some of the throws, or joint locks, it is still a very kick based Martial Art. Here you can find practioners who become very acrobatic and get involved in XMA (Extreme Martial Arts). Most of you big time XMA and unnarmed exhibition competetors or TKD based. It is currently labelled as the most prolific style in the world, meaning it has the most schools.
I personally would caution against an art or school that emphasized flipping, and tricking. Mainly because this has no combat effectiveness, and just looks cool.
Ultimately it is what is available to you, and what place you enjoy the most. I can tell you more than likely you will be able to find a TKD and some form of Karate almost anywhere you are. Hapkido and Kung Fu styles are much less prevalent, and therefore you won't always be able to find a school near you.
Good luck!|||It would be easier to list the similarities, that being that if you have a good instructor and train right they can all be very effective.
Too list the differences, no offense to bob t, would take far more time and resources then anyone here has. For instance I will simply address karate.
Starting off you have three main branches of karate:
1) The original Okinawin karate- Okinawin karate is noted for it's intense conditioning and it's no nonsense self defense. Despite what many who do not know it think, it contains a lot of stand up grappling, including locks, throws, chokes, sweeps, take downs, techniques for fighting in a clinch. Most Okinawin styles keep their kicks low. Stances in Okinawin karate tend to be more upright for more mobility. Okinawin karate uses much moving and avoiding techniques while counterstriking. Most are a blending of hard and soft techniques.
2) The japanese styles that were developed from the Okinawin versions.- These tend to be more sport oriented, with wider, deeper stances, and more focus on raw power. These can still be highly effective if taught right and trained well.
3) The hybred styles that have been put together over the years by various people, that run the spectrum from great to pi** poor.
I could go on and on just about karate, so you can see my point.
Rather then style here is my suggestion:
1) Make a list of all of the schools and classes availible in your area.(that's the problem with people recomending styles, not everything is taught everywhere)
2) Go here They have an excellent list on what to avoid and what to look for in a good school, regardless of style. You could also do a search on here, as there are many good questions and answers about finding a good school.
3) Visit all of the schools/styles that have an interest to you and watch a few classes, and maybe even participate if they have free trial classes.
4) Figure out which school is the best according to the list you have, and the questions you will ask of the instructor, and if it fullfills what you are looking for.
Any martial art if trained well will meet your needs. Be aware that some like karate, kung fu, TKD, will take a little bit longer to put into actual application. This does not mean they are worse, it is just the way they are designed to be taught.
It really doesn't matter if you winde up in one of the ones you listed, or Judo, or Akido, or BJJ, or Muay Thai, or Krav Maga, or MMA etc.
I would rather see you get training at the best school or gym avalible that you can afford, because you will be much better off in the long run.|||Hapkido is korean. it is one of (if not THE) most complete of the traditional arts. it has everything. it comes from aikijujutsu(from japan) has the throws, and locks of judo, jujutsu, and aikijujutsu. it also has the strikes, and pressure points of an old korean art called tae kyon. similar to taekwondo. most hapkido has no forms (kata/hyung). there are 2 main lineages though.
yong, shul choi ...the original founders lineage..he pretty much just taught daito ryu aikijujutsu. it was really nothing korean.
ji, han je lineage...a student of the original founder..but he encorporated the kicks and strikes of tae kyon, as well as taoist breathing exercises and meditation.
hapkido is not taught with forms...or patterns. it is taught using techniques and principles. it is based on 3 main principles
1 yu (ju in japanese) "flowing like water" Water never struggles with any object that it encounters! It exhibits tremendous patience and adaptability in it's engagement with any obstacle it faces during the natural 'downhill flow'. Rather than rising in direct conflict with an adversary, the Hapkido student seeks to join with, or adapt to the opponent and their motions, in order that a the 'clashing' so commonly seen in many martial arts, is avoided. Although this is a demonstration of a keen ability to adapt, it is important to realize water never changes itself. The Hapkido practitioner must learn to adapt in this same way
2 won (circular motion) A circle represents the perfect geometric figure. Every person has his or her own circle that is their "private space." It is this circle that we seek to protect. An opponent's attack should be met with a graceful, circular defensive motion. We choose not to meet an opponent's force with direct force. Instead, we choose to lead this oncoming force in a circle, deflecting it, so as to minimize its effect. Therefore, we end up redirecting an opponents force against himself. We should think of this circle as a form of least resistance; always moving (active), and therefore difficult to hold or grasp.
3 hwa (harmony or non resistance) The learning of Hapkido is accomplished through the continuous generation of harmony between mind, body, techniques, and environment. Harmony is the most important element one should strive to achieve through their training. How often in your training do you feel that your mind has "learned" a new technique, only to find that your body is not embracing this new knowledge as rapidly as you desire? Each time we perform a technique, connections are made between the brain and the muscles which control the movements of the technique. Every maneuver you learn through Hapkido training has it's own special 'control center' inside the brain. We practice what we are shown countless times so that our body and mind will eventually act as one unit in response to a confrontation.
After one achieves harmony within himself, the next requirement is to harmonize with one's opponent. Having accomplishing this, the Hapkido student will find it quite easy to control the movements and energy of an opponent. We seek to blend or harmonize with the attack to create the defense. The words "non-resistance" are often substituted for harmony in defining the theory of Hwa. Before an attack can be directed in a circular manner, it must first be received or intercepted with a non-direct block or maneuver, thus allowing a harmony to be created using the opponents oncoming force to fuel the defending motion.
Following this, learning to harmonize with one's environment is the next stage. The final task is blending the harmony that one has developed with himself, his opponent, and the environment, with that of the techniques.
Once the mind and body are unified, the techniques will feel "natural." It is not enough to merely know the technique; this knowledge must become reflexive, or "second nature."
karate:...okinawan karate is very well rounded. taught with kata (forms) is GREATLY misunderstood...even by many of its own practitioners. it takes a long time to learn and perfect. but it encorporates not only strikes and kicks, but throws, joint locks, and pressure points as well. if its lacking anything, like most traditional arts, it is lacking groundfighting.
japanese karate looks similar, also taught with on the other hand is mainly concentrated on striking and kicking. hard impact style karate. some styles teach grappling, but striking and kicking is the main focus.
taekwondo: is korean, but it comes directly from japanese karate. but with much more emphasis on kicking. its flashy kicks come from an art called tae kyon. an old korean kicking style. has evolved into a uniquely korean art however as they changed the kata(forms) and added tae kyon kicking techniques. it is largely little more than a sport today least in the west. i never learned or seen any taekwondo practitioner use throws, or joint locks at all. it is a striking system.
if you want a well rounded style...hapkido or okinawan karate would be good choices. although i'd say hapkido is quicker to learn.
if you want strictly a striking art...japanese karate or taekwondo would do well...these two would also do well for "point sparring".
if you want hard contact during sparring, okinawan or japanese karate are probably best.
the biggest thing though is to have a good school, with a good teacher.
id rather learn a less effective art from a great teacher, than learn the ultimate martial art from a bad teacher.
What do you think of Kungfu,wushu or other taolu such as Taiji or Taichi,Mantis, tiger, crane, snake, dragon ?
I love Chinese martial arts. I started out in Japanese martial art and had a teacher who encouraged me to also explore the history of the style I learned and get down to its roots. It has been an interesting journey since this was way before internet and everything was done painstakingly by finding books, reading and doing footwork to talk to people who have found interesting things. After many years I ended up in China. I started in Kung Fu out of curiosity to see how it compared to the style I had learned. You have to learn a martial art in order to understand it. You can not just study it from books. Then had a serious injury (not from Kung Fu) and went to Tai Chi. I made a full recovery thanks to my teacher and much to the surprise of the doctors and returned to Kung Fu. Letting go of Tai Chi was hard so I stuck with it too. I have had the opportunity to go to China to train and watch some of the greatest Masters in the art. It is truly amazing.
Unfortunately, there are not many really good Chinese martial artists in the US. It is difficult to get all the essence and principals of a martial art when you did not have the opportunity to study the art for about 20 years every day for 8 hours like they do in China. This kind of training is necessary because Chinese martial arts is very complex and one can not grasp the essence of it by going to class twice a week for an hour and very little practice in between those classes the way a lot of Americans do. The American culture is not made for this kind of dedication to martial arts. We have so many other obligation with jobs, studies, families and other things it is very difficult to dedicate a large amount of time to martial arts. Very few people are lucky enough to do this, so much gets lost. I believe that this contributes to the bad opinion people have about Chinese martial arts calling it not a fighting art and a dance. I assure you it is not in China. I currently train with 2 very well known Chinese masters and in between I train in an American Kung Fu school. While my American teacher is very good for an American teacher and does his best to teach there is just no comparison. While my American teacher has done a great job of laying the foundation he simply does not have a lot of and therefore can not teach the really fine internal nuances which are present in Chinese martial art to make them work in fighting.|||Wushu is just like Chinese calligraphy,few people due to the chaos in nowdays can reach the standard as the ancient Chinese did. In the old days, there were not so many creations, pace of life was slow, so people could concentrate to the culture such as wushu, calligraphy,poem.
|||some Chinese martial arts practitioners who got the chance to learn it from the Real masters , and learnt the "Real" thing.... very impressed.
|||i think they're good... i study Yang Tai Ji Quan 24 form, 42 form, Sword Form. Praying Mantis Tai chi (Tai Ji Tang Lang Quan), seven star Praying Mantis (Ji Sing Tang Lang Quan). Sword style. Spear style. Nothern Long Fist. Dragon Palm (Long Xing Quan) i've never got a chance to study Tiger, Crane, n Snake.
you must dis-assembly these style first in order to use it in real combat =)|||Wushu I can't get into. Its just dancing. Just not my thing, I always though beauty was in practicality.
Taiji is ok, I did Yang and Chen. As far as health goes they're alright. Though practically nobody actually knows how to employ it in actual self defense so again, its not my thing other than as a mode of meditation.
Mantis is cool if you can find a skilled teacher that's actually used it. Although there is too much chasing hands for my taste, I always went against the grain in that stuff. Not to get too deep but contact and trapping are considered the basis for the system. I always just pressed more for the attack because catching hands just isn't very effective.
Tiger/Crane (I did hung gar) is fun. But I don't like their reliance on "bridging." Basically they like to be in contact as much as possible. Kinda screws you up though when everyone likes to fight like a boxer and avoids giving you that "bridge."
Snake and Dragon I have no experience with. Though I'm not going to break my fingers trying to snake fist somebody...
The ultimate problem with all of them is that 99% of the people in them just want to look good but don't actually like to spar and work out. Its just not realistic training in most cases.|||I love all chinese martial arts - unlike some other people, I don't particularly care to become a "warrior". I love it because of various other reasons, mostly because it has given me some inner-peace - I always thought there was something missing in my life until I started kung fu training. I do, however, also appreciate the self-defence skills I've been taught over the past 15 months.
My favourite - wushu.
Would love to do tiger, but I am positive that I am too old for that.
Will eventually move on to Tai Chi and do that until the day I die.|||Kungfu is the old and original martial art, the other Asien MA are more or less copies or offshoots.
Taichi - covers breathing and internal energy. It is considered a very difficult style because the taolu's are hard to learn.
Dragon is very good from the above, look at some demos.
The rest of the animal styles - they can teach you how to move in many ways, but they need to be mixed together and with punches/kicks to be of a real use, otherwise you just look like a clown.
Wushu and kungfu refer to all chinese styles.
Modern wushu...well if you take the competitional aspects, this are 0.
Focus on learning how to move your body and become powerful than learning a routine|||woww...some very impressive answers on this page.
Unfortunately, there are not many really good Chinese martial artists in the US. It is difficult to get all the essence and principals of a martial art when you did not have the opportunity to study the art for about 20 years every day for 8 hours like they do in China. This kind of training is necessary because Chinese martial arts is very complex and one can not grasp the essence of it by going to class twice a week for an hour and very little practice in between those classes the way a lot of Americans do. The American culture is not made for this kind of dedication to martial arts. We have so many other obligation with jobs, studies, families and other things it is very difficult to dedicate a large amount of time to martial arts. Very few people are lucky enough to do this, so much gets lost. I believe that this contributes to the bad opinion people have about Chinese martial arts calling it not a fighting art and a dance. I assure you it is not in China. I currently train with 2 very well known Chinese masters and in between I train in an American Kung Fu school. While my American teacher is very good for an American teacher and does his best to teach there is just no comparison. While my American teacher has done a great job of laying the foundation he simply does not have a lot of and therefore can not teach the really fine internal nuances which are present in Chinese martial art to make them work in fighting.|||Wushu is just like Chinese calligraphy,few people due to the chaos in nowdays can reach the standard as the ancient Chinese did. In the old days, there were not so many creations, pace of life was slow, so people could concentrate to the culture such as wushu, calligraphy,poem.
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|||some Chinese martial arts practitioners who got the chance to learn it from the Real masters , and learnt the "Real" thing.... very impressed.
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|||i think they're good... i study Yang Tai Ji Quan 24 form, 42 form, Sword Form. Praying Mantis Tai chi (Tai Ji Tang Lang Quan), seven star Praying Mantis (Ji Sing Tang Lang Quan). Sword style. Spear style. Nothern Long Fist. Dragon Palm (Long Xing Quan) i've never got a chance to study Tiger, Crane, n Snake.
you must dis-assembly these style first in order to use it in real combat =)|||Wushu I can't get into. Its just dancing. Just not my thing, I always though beauty was in practicality.
Taiji is ok, I did Yang and Chen. As far as health goes they're alright. Though practically nobody actually knows how to employ it in actual self defense so again, its not my thing other than as a mode of meditation.
Mantis is cool if you can find a skilled teacher that's actually used it. Although there is too much chasing hands for my taste, I always went against the grain in that stuff. Not to get too deep but contact and trapping are considered the basis for the system. I always just pressed more for the attack because catching hands just isn't very effective.
Tiger/Crane (I did hung gar) is fun. But I don't like their reliance on "bridging." Basically they like to be in contact as much as possible. Kinda screws you up though when everyone likes to fight like a boxer and avoids giving you that "bridge."
Snake and Dragon I have no experience with. Though I'm not going to break my fingers trying to snake fist somebody...
The ultimate problem with all of them is that 99% of the people in them just want to look good but don't actually like to spar and work out. Its just not realistic training in most cases.|||I love all chinese martial arts - unlike some other people, I don't particularly care to become a "warrior". I love it because of various other reasons, mostly because it has given me some inner-peace - I always thought there was something missing in my life until I started kung fu training. I do, however, also appreciate the self-defence skills I've been taught over the past 15 months.
My favourite - wushu.
Would love to do tiger, but I am positive that I am too old for that.
Will eventually move on to Tai Chi and do that until the day I die.|||Kungfu is the old and original martial art, the other Asien MA are more or less copies or offshoots.
Taichi - covers breathing and internal energy. It is considered a very difficult style because the taolu's are hard to learn.
Dragon is very good from the above, look at some demos.
The rest of the animal styles - they can teach you how to move in many ways, but they need to be mixed together and with punches/kicks to be of a real use, otherwise you just look like a clown.
Wushu and kungfu refer to all chinese styles.
Modern wushu...well if you take the competitional aspects, this are 0.
Focus on learning how to move your body and become powerful than learning a routine|||woww...some very impressive answers on this page.
Crouching Tiger,Hidden Dragon. I really attracted by Chinese kungfu from this film.Do you love Chinese kungfu?
I found Chinese culture is broad and profound. I also love chinese painting and calligraphy. I want to look for friends have the same interests with me. What about you?Do you like to share your loved things with me?|||Do you love Chinese kungfu? - YES.
Do you like to share your loved things with me? No
Cheers from Australia
Do you like to share your loved things with me? No
Cheers from Australia
Whats the name of that kungfu movie with all the rappers voices?
Ok probably not Samurai Champloo- that's an anime series,
Although another anime, if it is anime, it might be one of the Afro Samurai movies.-I really think this is probably what you are looking for. or
There's the movie Black Dynamite which is sort of a spoof kungfu movie.
Then there was a series which was "hip-hop dubbed kungfu"-mainly old Hong Kong kungfu films, mostly black and white, that had been redubbed to make a new story, this series was called Kung Faux.|||I believe you mean "Samurai Champloo." Well, if not then, then probably something by the same producer/director, as that's nothing except fighting and there's lots of rap on the soundtrack.
Although another anime, if it is anime, it might be one of the Afro Samurai movies.-I really think this is probably what you are looking for. or
There's the movie Black Dynamite which is sort of a spoof kungfu movie.
Then there was a series which was "hip-hop dubbed kungfu"-mainly old Hong Kong kungfu films, mostly black and white, that had been redubbed to make a new story, this series was called Kung Faux.|||I believe you mean "Samurai Champloo." Well, if not then, then probably something by the same producer/director, as that's nothing except fighting and there's lots of rap on the soundtrack.
Which is the most powerful and deadly in a real fight-Shaolin Kungfu or Muay Thai?
Above poster is quite wrong... when China started sending fighters to Thailand in the 70s to try their skills against Muay Thai fighters, they sustained severe defeats and were dispatched home very quickly.
Since then, sanda/san shou has grown into a combat sport in CHina, and there have been competitions were Thai fighters were beaten by the chinese, but it is worth noting that these competitions were run under 'sanda rules', and that the chinese won largely due to their ability with throws (one of the peculiarities of sanda).
However, in Thailand, Thai fighters remain extremely dominant in all the lower weight classes, and no foreigners have made a significant impact in the Thai boxing rankings there.
Shaolin kung fu mostly focusses on acrobatics and performance nowadays (and has for quite a while). Sanda/ san shou is an awsome art, but it remains relatively rare outside China|||these styles used to fight each other and it would go bak and forth cause no style is best. shaolin won mostly but muay thai has been adapted better to todays stuuf as shaolin is near extinction
different time periods and situations different ansewers kid|||both of the above posters are true. Especially the second one. Modern shaolin kung fu is usually wushu these days, and its more of a performance art. If you can learn real shaolin stuff and the internals like Xing Yi, you could become a great fighter. Muay thai has a few styles that arent sport type either.
Basically again, it comes down to the practioner. If you train a guy in muay thai and he is lazy, versus a a guy who works very hard and trains correctly in shaolin kung fu, the Muay thai guy is proly gonna loose, and Vice versa. If the Muay thai man trains hard versus a lazy shaolin man, the shaolin man will loose. Its up to you , not the style
Granted, the real shaolin styles give you alot to play with. Rakes to the face, kicks to the knee joints, pressure points, shuai jiao, and ect. While sport muay thia is limited, Muay kaddor or boran, dosent have any grappling methods like shuai jiao, it does have many crippling moves. Its very dependant on the fighters ability
Since then, sanda/san shou has grown into a combat sport in CHina, and there have been competitions were Thai fighters were beaten by the chinese, but it is worth noting that these competitions were run under 'sanda rules', and that the chinese won largely due to their ability with throws (one of the peculiarities of sanda).
However, in Thailand, Thai fighters remain extremely dominant in all the lower weight classes, and no foreigners have made a significant impact in the Thai boxing rankings there.
Shaolin kung fu mostly focusses on acrobatics and performance nowadays (and has for quite a while). Sanda/ san shou is an awsome art, but it remains relatively rare outside China|||these styles used to fight each other and it would go bak and forth cause no style is best. shaolin won mostly but muay thai has been adapted better to todays stuuf as shaolin is near extinction
different time periods and situations different ansewers kid|||both of the above posters are true. Especially the second one. Modern shaolin kung fu is usually wushu these days, and its more of a performance art. If you can learn real shaolin stuff and the internals like Xing Yi, you could become a great fighter. Muay thai has a few styles that arent sport type either.
Basically again, it comes down to the practioner. If you train a guy in muay thai and he is lazy, versus a a guy who works very hard and trains correctly in shaolin kung fu, the Muay thai guy is proly gonna loose, and Vice versa. If the Muay thai man trains hard versus a lazy shaolin man, the shaolin man will loose. Its up to you , not the style
Granted, the real shaolin styles give you alot to play with. Rakes to the face, kicks to the knee joints, pressure points, shuai jiao, and ect. While sport muay thia is limited, Muay kaddor or boran, dosent have any grappling methods like shuai jiao, it does have many crippling moves. Its very dependant on the fighters ability
Cant remember the name of this Kungfu movie?
Im not a fan of Kunfu at all, but ive been in this wierd mood ever since I saw this one and now i cant rememebr it...
They have this huge showdown toawards the end and the song playing is BAllroom blitz.
I know someone knows it HELP|||Kung Fu Hustle starting Stephen Chow
They have this huge showdown toawards the end and the song playing is BAllroom blitz.
I know someone knows it HELP|||Kung Fu Hustle starting Stephen Chow
Which kungfu or fighting style is best,, japan or china?
Which is more superior? IP man style can be stopped by what stlye?|||I personally like chinese martial arst better than japanese martial arts cause they look better. But there is no superior only superior practitioners..|||There is no best style.
Your size, body type and sex have nothing to do with the style you want to choose. People that think that your size and body type determine the style know little to nothing about martial arts.
people of all various so called body types, are found in all styles of martial arts and do well in those styles
Most people will tell you there style is the best or they heard such and such is a great style,
The style is not important, what matters is how good your instructor is and how you train. The style is secondary, they all have there pro's and con's there are no superior styles.
If you have an instructor that can’t teach you how to fight, regardless of the style, what good would it do you?
Choose a school with a good instructor in the end that’s all that matters, that and how you train.
Its the person that has the ability to fight not the style|||There is no best style if we speak about supremacy on certain arts, because Martial Arts had been developed with same objectives, to depend oneself or others on any physical threat.
Because things will depend upon how deep is his understanding on the skills and knowledge certain person has achieved, wide know how and thorough search on some important methods and applications, because such is the best ways to adopt and acquire things accurately and efficiently.
But the most important facts is, superiority rely on how disciplined certain practitioner is.
Good luck
..............|||They both have their strengths and weaknesses. Its not the individual country thats better its the individual training methods and hard training that'll win them the fight. I have 27 yrs exp. I hold belts in hapkido, tae kwon do, and yong sil song do; and have trained in jiu jit su, judo, ryo shu karate, and muay thai. The different competitions have different rule sets so in full contact combat combining all of this for throws, submissions, stand-up and ground has helped me. As for one dominant style there is not one.|||Sigh... This is like asking: Which noodle dishes are best, Japanese or Chinese?
Seriously though, comparison - in the martial arts world - only really works when done between individuals. And this means that it depends on the skill levels of both individuals, what the focus of their training is, the quality of the instruction they receive, etc., etc.|||. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . ,.-‘”. . . . . . . . . .``~.,
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .`=-,. . . . . . . . . .,%`%26gt;--!|||I believe they are just both as good but i prefer kung fu because im half chinese ( ye im biased a bit) and also martial arts like karate were devloped from chinese kenpo).|||Ur just trolling for peoples opinions.
Its the individual martial artists skill and understanding of the MA that matters.|||Styles don't fight, people fight.
Your size, body type and sex have nothing to do with the style you want to choose. People that think that your size and body type determine the style know little to nothing about martial arts.
people of all various so called body types, are found in all styles of martial arts and do well in those styles
Most people will tell you there style is the best or they heard such and such is a great style,
The style is not important, what matters is how good your instructor is and how you train. The style is secondary, they all have there pro's and con's there are no superior styles.
If you have an instructor that can’t teach you how to fight, regardless of the style, what good would it do you?
Choose a school with a good instructor in the end that’s all that matters, that and how you train.
Its the person that has the ability to fight not the style|||There is no best style if we speak about supremacy on certain arts, because Martial Arts had been developed with same objectives, to depend oneself or others on any physical threat.
Because things will depend upon how deep is his understanding on the skills and knowledge certain person has achieved, wide know how and thorough search on some important methods and applications, because such is the best ways to adopt and acquire things accurately and efficiently.
But the most important facts is, superiority rely on how disciplined certain practitioner is.
Good luck
..............|||They both have their strengths and weaknesses. Its not the individual country thats better its the individual training methods and hard training that'll win them the fight. I have 27 yrs exp. I hold belts in hapkido, tae kwon do, and yong sil song do; and have trained in jiu jit su, judo, ryo shu karate, and muay thai. The different competitions have different rule sets so in full contact combat combining all of this for throws, submissions, stand-up and ground has helped me. As for one dominant style there is not one.|||Sigh... This is like asking: Which noodle dishes are best, Japanese or Chinese?
Seriously though, comparison - in the martial arts world - only really works when done between individuals. And this means that it depends on the skill levels of both individuals, what the focus of their training is, the quality of the instruction they receive, etc., etc.|||. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . ,.-‘”. . . . . . . . . .``~.,
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . `:,, . . . . . . . . . . . . . `\. . . . . . ..__
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .`=-,. . . . . . . . . .,%`%26gt;--!|||I believe they are just both as good but i prefer kung fu because im half chinese ( ye im biased a bit) and also martial arts like karate were devloped from chinese kenpo).|||Ur just trolling for peoples opinions.
Its the individual martial artists skill and understanding of the MA that matters.|||Styles don't fight, people fight.
Where can I find free notes/discriptions of Shaolin Kungfu sparring techniques?
go to borders/barnes and nobles and read one of the shaolin books there. its free.
Where can I learn kungfu slicing technic in malaysia?
Close your eyes, control your breath. make sure all the cows hanged and madly slice berserk. make sure no one there. it might take years before you get the master degree|||in a malaysian meat butcher|||1. Grand Master - Ah Long bukit beruntung ... they got the ability to slice your arm without causing death.
2. Sifu Tonto... cool but dangerous ... they have a record - sliced the ear of Custom Raiders
3. Legendary Sam E Velu - He got the special slicing technic which can be applied on road.|||learn from "chu yuk weng"( pork butcher weng ), dunno him, go watch wong fei hung movie.His student is all over malaysia, go to the local market to find one.|||i tot u mastered enuff....
then try from lady buther in pasar selayang..|||Do you know that US and England both have difference way of slicing beef?
Just look for Indian butcher, they are skilled.
Good luck
2. Sifu Tonto... cool but dangerous ... they have a record - sliced the ear of Custom Raiders
3. Legendary Sam E Velu - He got the special slicing technic which can be applied on road.|||learn from "chu yuk weng"( pork butcher weng ), dunno him, go watch wong fei hung movie.His student is all over malaysia, go to the local market to find one.|||i tot u mastered enuff....
then try from lady buther in pasar selayang..|||Do you know that US and England both have difference way of slicing beef?
Just look for Indian butcher, they are skilled.
Good luck
What would you say are the 10 best kungfu movies ever made (in particular order)?
My pick:
The 63th Chamber of Shaolin
The One-Armed Swordsman
Challenge of the Masters
Heroes of the East
Way of the Dragon
The 5 Deadly Venoms
The Brave Archer
The Heroic Ones
The Deadly Duo
Enter the Dragon|||Kungfu
Kung - The Director's cut
Kunghung (MA17)
KingKung vs. Kungzilla
Kung FranKungstein|||kung fu panda|||The 63th Chamber of Shaolin
The One-Armed Swordsman
Heroes of the East
Challenge of the Masters
Way of the Dragon
The 5 Deadly Venoms
The Brave Archer
The Heroic Ones
The Deadly Duo
Enter the Dragon|||I like Monkey.. Especially The character's Pigsy and Tripitarka.. Oh and Sandy the water spirit..
The 63th Chamber of Shaolin
The One-Armed Swordsman
Challenge of the Masters
Heroes of the East
Way of the Dragon
The 5 Deadly Venoms
The Brave Archer
The Heroic Ones
The Deadly Duo
Enter the Dragon|||Kungfu
Kung - The Director's cut
Kunghung (MA17)
KingKung vs. Kungzilla
Kung FranKungstein|||kung fu panda|||The 63th Chamber of Shaolin
The One-Armed Swordsman
Heroes of the East
Challenge of the Masters
Way of the Dragon
The 5 Deadly Venoms
The Brave Archer
The Heroic Ones
The Deadly Duo
Enter the Dragon|||I like Monkey.. Especially The character's Pigsy and Tripitarka.. Oh and Sandy the water spirit..
Anyone know anything about WuDang KungFu?
I'm curently living in Amsterdam, so sometimes I have a hrad time with understanding the Dutch language, but I got a flyer for this Oriental place that does acupuncture, massage, yoga and WuDang KungFu. It's 10 sessions for 67Euros which does'n't sound like a bad deal, and I really want to do something for myself seperate from my live in Dutch boyfriend. I am afraid the Classes, much like the flyers won't be in English...and I have a silly idea of what it could be like thanks to movies like Hidden Tiger crouching Dragon. Anyone like to fill me in on what to expect or if this is for me?|||Wudang is a fairly big umbrella term that covers most big name internal Chinese martial arts, including the ever popular Taichi. I don't know anything about this specific school that you are asking about, but I would be wary of a school with such a broad term in its title. Are you allowed to observe a class or two for free? If so, take that offer and see for yourself. If not, find another school. There's nothing secretive in Chinese internal styles. You get exactly the amount of effort you put in. So the school should have no problem letting any outsider observe its classes.|||well, i dont know about it, but i'm sure you can do research on what its about and then make your judgment based off of that. i recommend looking on
Xbox360 - can i return Kungfu panda(unused) for a different game?
FOR THOSE WHO HAV ALRDY TRIED TO RETURN THEIR UNWANTED Kunfu panda game (since the 360 comes with it rite now).
how much would gamestop buy an unused kungfu panda game?|||Well i traded my unused Call Of Duty 4 for a Halo 3 at Wallmart and got store credit.
how much would gamestop buy an unused kungfu panda game?|||Well i traded my unused Call Of Duty 4 for a Halo 3 at Wallmart and got store credit.
How to get better at KungFu?
What can I do at home?|||Kung Fu is a style of Martial Arts that offers a different approach to the common problems of self-defense, health, and self-cultivation, and individual accomplishment or skill cultivation will be attained through long and hard work while others concentrate on improving muscle and cardiovascular fitness to develop stamina.
On every Martial Art, basics are the vital part of the training and you can鈥檛 attain your goal and better progress on advance stage without them. Your Instructor is giving you a start up techniques, including stretching, stance work, rudimentary conditioning, meditation, basic kicking and punching techniques and jumping. Gym is not only an option to develop yourself, even in your room if you have space or some place at your home, but make sure you are comfortable while doing necessary things.
The most important is focus; timing and great motivation and skills can be acquired also through total commitment to achieve excellence.
Good luck|||develope your fore arms shoulders and abs
hope this helps|||Kung fu is all about a strong base. We do more lunges than anything else in class. Build up the leg strength, and practice your strikes on a heavy bag. Also practice your forms like crazy.|||Practice. The more time u put into practicing, the better u get.
On every Martial Art, basics are the vital part of the training and you can鈥檛 attain your goal and better progress on advance stage without them. Your Instructor is giving you a start up techniques, including stretching, stance work, rudimentary conditioning, meditation, basic kicking and punching techniques and jumping. Gym is not only an option to develop yourself, even in your room if you have space or some place at your home, but make sure you are comfortable while doing necessary things.
The most important is focus; timing and great motivation and skills can be acquired also through total commitment to achieve excellence.
Good luck|||develope your fore arms shoulders and abs
hope this helps|||Kung fu is all about a strong base. We do more lunges than anything else in class. Build up the leg strength, and practice your strikes on a heavy bag. Also practice your forms like crazy.|||Practice. The more time u put into practicing, the better u get.
For those who have been to see Kungfu Panda. How many of you stayed and watched the VERY LAST scene?
Did you see the "little seed" starting to grow?|||i watched it, it was really funny =)
What chines kungfu movie is this?
Um, along time ago I saw this one chinese kungfu film that was amazing but i can't remember what it was. All I remember of it was that it showed a baby who was beating the heck out of all of these bad guys. He even peed on one. Do you know what this film is called?|||Kung Pow: Enter The Fist鈥?/a>
funny movie鈥?/a>
funny movie
Is it possible to make a movie like Wall-E or Kungfu Panda at home?
I have determination, enthusiasm and will-power.
I have sufficient knowledge in Autodesk Maya and After Effects.
I also have all required softwares.
I just need to know whether I can make it or not...
Can I make it...awaiting your suggestions...|||If you put your mind to it, You Can Do Anything!!!!|||and you probably need like a million man hours to complete a project like this.|||It's not so hard if your place is like George Lucas' home.
I have sufficient knowledge in Autodesk Maya and After Effects.
I also have all required softwares.
I just need to know whether I can make it or not...
Can I make it...awaiting your suggestions...|||If you put your mind to it, You Can Do Anything!!!!|||and you probably need like a million man hours to complete a project like this.|||It's not so hard if your place is like George Lucas' home.
Is it possible to make a movie like Wall-E or Kungfu Panda at home?
I have determination, enthusiasm and will-power.
I have sufficient knowledge in Autodesk Maya and After Effects.
I also have all required softwares.
I just need to know whether I can make it or not...
Can I make it...awaiting your suggestions...|||Well like kung fu panda and wall-e, i don't believe cuz of power of the computers used in this productions and Pixar made almost every software they use too.
But there is a guy named Makoto Shinkai, he made this all by himself, on his personal computer, having help only in sound part...鈥?/a>
So i guess u can do great things.|||If you are a graphics wizard and have alot of time. hundreds of people chip in to make a movie like that so if you were doing it by yourself it would take years.|||I am 100% sure you do not have the software they use to create those movies. Now, you can make an animated film, yes, but nothing to that extent.
I have sufficient knowledge in Autodesk Maya and After Effects.
I also have all required softwares.
I just need to know whether I can make it or not...
Can I make it...awaiting your suggestions...|||Well like kung fu panda and wall-e, i don't believe cuz of power of the computers used in this productions and Pixar made almost every software they use too.
But there is a guy named Makoto Shinkai, he made this all by himself, on his personal computer, having help only in sound part...鈥?/a>
So i guess u can do great things.|||If you are a graphics wizard and have alot of time. hundreds of people chip in to make a movie like that so if you were doing it by yourself it would take years.|||I am 100% sure you do not have the software they use to create those movies. Now, you can make an animated film, yes, but nothing to that extent.
Is it possible to make a movie like Wall-E or Kungfu Panda at home?
I have determination, enthusiasm and will-power.
I have sufficient knowledge in Autodesk Maya and After Effects.
I also have all required softwares.
I just need to know whether I can make it or not...
Can I make it...awaiting your suggestions...|||Absolutely you can, considering you have a special partnership with Nvidia and some of the top hardware in the industry. Seriously 3D rendering of that sort takes an insane amount of PC horsepower unless you want frequent application crashes and literally weeks of rendering time. The resources it takes to produce a film of that quality are far far beyond anything you have at your house, or even have access to for that matter.|||yes.. but u would have to be REALLY good at it.. and have a lot of patience because it would take a long time. but that would be pretty cool :)
I have sufficient knowledge in Autodesk Maya and After Effects.
I also have all required softwares.
I just need to know whether I can make it or not...
Can I make it...awaiting your suggestions...|||Absolutely you can, considering you have a special partnership with Nvidia and some of the top hardware in the industry. Seriously 3D rendering of that sort takes an insane amount of PC horsepower unless you want frequent application crashes and literally weeks of rendering time. The resources it takes to produce a film of that quality are far far beyond anything you have at your house, or even have access to for that matter.|||yes.. but u would have to be REALLY good at it.. and have a lot of patience because it would take a long time. but that would be pretty cool :)
What is the spirituality of Chinese Kungfu and Japanese Samurais?
What is the spirituality of Chinese Kung fu and Japanese Samurais?
When i watch Japanese films, they don't give a clear idea about their spirituality. Chinese film shows buddhist deities in their films , here and there. But then Who are Taoist ?|||Just Google Taoism and Buddhism for Chinese religion and google Shintoism and Zen Buddhism for Japanese religion.
As far as I know, and anyone can correct me if I'm wrong, Taoism is the religion that founded the Yin Yang Philosophy of Tai Chi and is centered in the Wudang/Wu Tang Mountain Temple. While Buddhism is centered in the Shaolin Temple.
Shintoism is the ancient Japanese religious practice of venerating their ancestors and is as old as Japan itself, while Zen Buddhism is an offshoot of Chinese Chan Buddhism and was the religion practiced by most of the Samurai during the medieval era.|||There are many religions in Asia. Kung Fu is a generic term that describes all Chinese MAs. The two main schools of religion in China are Buddist and Taoist but that doesnt meant there arent Muslims in China or ither religions. Many martial artists were hired as security for trade caravans that traveled the Silk Road. Tea and spices were traded as far as Turkey.|||Kungfu is a kind of Chinese sports or martial art, and samurai is an occupation, old Japanese soldier.
Many years ago, Japanese believe that the truth can not be explained by words. because it is very complicated, a human can get the truth from only the ascetic practices or one's experience.|||Taoism, Confucianism and Buddhism = China
Shintoism and Buddhism = Japan
Kung Fu/Gung Fu = Buddhist
Samurai = Shinto/Buddhist|||Ok so you have the resources to ask this question, but not do a simple google search?
When i watch Japanese films, they don't give a clear idea about their spirituality. Chinese film shows buddhist deities in their films , here and there. But then Who are Taoist ?|||Just Google Taoism and Buddhism for Chinese religion and google Shintoism and Zen Buddhism for Japanese religion.
As far as I know, and anyone can correct me if I'm wrong, Taoism is the religion that founded the Yin Yang Philosophy of Tai Chi and is centered in the Wudang/Wu Tang Mountain Temple. While Buddhism is centered in the Shaolin Temple.
Shintoism is the ancient Japanese religious practice of venerating their ancestors and is as old as Japan itself, while Zen Buddhism is an offshoot of Chinese Chan Buddhism and was the religion practiced by most of the Samurai during the medieval era.|||There are many religions in Asia. Kung Fu is a generic term that describes all Chinese MAs. The two main schools of religion in China are Buddist and Taoist but that doesnt meant there arent Muslims in China or ither religions. Many martial artists were hired as security for trade caravans that traveled the Silk Road. Tea and spices were traded as far as Turkey.|||Kungfu is a kind of Chinese sports or martial art, and samurai is an occupation, old Japanese soldier.
Many years ago, Japanese believe that the truth can not be explained by words. because it is very complicated, a human can get the truth from only the ascetic practices or one's experience.|||Taoism, Confucianism and Buddhism = China
Shintoism and Buddhism = Japan
Kung Fu/Gung Fu = Buddhist
Samurai = Shinto/Buddhist|||Ok so you have the resources to ask this question, but not do a simple google search?
How do you think about Chinese Kungfu and UFC?
How do you think about Chinese Kungfu and UFC?
Which is more stronger?
The Kungfu is really so Mysterious?
which one do you prefer to learn?
Do you think the aim of combat is just kill man?
If you are strong enough and have a chance,do you want to take part in UFC?Or prefer to conceal your ability?|||Kungfu is an art of fighting. Any real Kungfu master would take out anyone in the UFC. If Bruce Lee were to still be alive and in his prime there isn't anyone in the UFC no matter what weight class you put him with would be able to defeat him. I'm learning Kungfu I would suggest you stick on that course, and if you wanna join UFC they better watch out. Best of luck kiddo.
If any of the idiots below me would like me to show case some talents on Kung Fu please feel free to contact me. You know my e mail address. Lets put Kung Fu to the test and see who comes out on top Bitches!!|||shouldn't you ask this crap in the martial arts section? this is boxing! the UFC is gay!|||I am not a traditional martial arts fan but there are only 3 forms that are even effective in real life, Jiu Jitsu, Judo and Kajukenbo. Bruce Lee was a Hollywood actor, he would have gotten seriously hurt in MMA. I'm sure if there were some Kung Foo expert who could kill a man with the touch of death it would have been on PPV. As far as boxing goes it's a joke. I could beat Floyd Mouthweather in a street fight (without his uncle and goon thugs). Boxing is dead!|||do you have a certificate in being stupid? in 7 sentences you asked as many dumb @ss questions and have attracted similar idiots to reply..stick to your make believe martial arts and to all the jealous idiots who come here only to slight boxing as its been the main fighting art for decades and no flash in the pan fad is going to change that..nice try at a wind up but you have only succeeded at proving how thick you really are,,,have a nice day
Which is more stronger?
The Kungfu is really so Mysterious?
which one do you prefer to learn?
Do you think the aim of combat is just kill man?
If you are strong enough and have a chance,do you want to take part in UFC?Or prefer to conceal your ability?|||Kungfu is an art of fighting. Any real Kungfu master would take out anyone in the UFC. If Bruce Lee were to still be alive and in his prime there isn't anyone in the UFC no matter what weight class you put him with would be able to defeat him. I'm learning Kungfu I would suggest you stick on that course, and if you wanna join UFC they better watch out. Best of luck kiddo.
If any of the idiots below me would like me to show case some talents on Kung Fu please feel free to contact me. You know my e mail address. Lets put Kung Fu to the test and see who comes out on top Bitches!!|||shouldn't you ask this crap in the martial arts section? this is boxing! the UFC is gay!|||I am not a traditional martial arts fan but there are only 3 forms that are even effective in real life, Jiu Jitsu, Judo and Kajukenbo. Bruce Lee was a Hollywood actor, he would have gotten seriously hurt in MMA. I'm sure if there were some Kung Foo expert who could kill a man with the touch of death it would have been on PPV. As far as boxing goes it's a joke. I could beat Floyd Mouthweather in a street fight (without his uncle and goon thugs). Boxing is dead!|||do you have a certificate in being stupid? in 7 sentences you asked as many dumb @ss questions and have attracted similar idiots to reply..stick to your make believe martial arts and to all the jealous idiots who come here only to slight boxing as its been the main fighting art for decades and no flash in the pan fad is going to change that..nice try at a wind up but you have only succeeded at proving how thick you really are,,,have a nice day
Which kungfu fighter do you people think is better, Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Bruce Lee, or Steven Segal?
I have a hard time trying to figure out who is the best with all these martial arts fighters because they both know their styles of fighting really well to an expert level and it is hard to rank them because of that.|||Lets look at this question. First off if they are not all Kung Fu fighters. Bruce Lee was and then invent Jeet Kune Do. Jet Li studies Wushu which is a form of Kung Fu. Steven Segal is a 7th Dan in Aikido. Jackie Chan learned his martial art from from a Chinese Opera Academy and then became a stunt man. So if you want to rank them as who would win a fight if all of them were in their prime at the same time. Since Bruce Lee never lost a fight. I am going to go with Bruce Lee, then Jet Li, Steven Segal and finally Jackie Chan. The only reason that I put Jet Li before Segal is because of the fighting competitions that I have seen Segal in. In 1996 he fought 5 or 6 people in a demonstration when everyone thought that he was awesome. None of the students attack him but try to grab him which is why I think Jet Li would win because he wouldn't simply grab at Segal and wait to be thrown to the ground.|||Let's see Jackie, Bruce, and Jet are all traditional fighters you know the certain ways of kicking, they trained in a way my senseis have told me. If something isnn't right they get hit or something, actually my sensei said if their legs weren't bent they'd get something thrown at the back of the kne to bend it. I'd choose Jet Li he's way better and his style is so cool. But then again all four are great in their own ways.|||Bruce Lee|||Kung Fu is a Chinese martial art.
Its a toss up between Bruce Lee and Jet Li.
I find Jackie Chan's moves as comical.|||I think all this fighters are already out dated and off their prime anymore.
Tony Jaa and Donnie yen are the best in the field, and they skills are really practical in actual combat.|||I think Jet Li, because though I like aikido, Seagal's technique is sloppy for his level and he is fat. I've seen videos of Jet Li in his prime and he kicked ***.
Jackie Chan is a stunt man
Bruce Lee never studied martial arts for very long before deciding to create his own. He was an actor not a fighter.|||The only actual practitioner of Kung Fu in that list is Jet Li. Bruce Lee had background in Kung Fu but early on evolved far beyond it. Jackie Chan is just doing choreography, and Segal doesn't even do Kung Fu he does Akido|||Well for one calling them experts just because they're in movies is ignorant on an extreme level. Second like was said they are very different. Personally I don't think it's any contest, Bruce Lee wins by an extreme amount to anyone that knows anything about him. Jackie Chan doesn't even know what form he's done and I don't know if he's ever actually fought to win a fight. Jet li thinks he's good but who knows, and Steven Segal is a good question I don't know enough about him personally. I do however know that the DEMONSTRATION the others mentioned is scripted as par Akido, so you can't use that to judge how good he is. In my opinion it's Bruce Lee, Segal (because he has so high ranking in akido), Jet li, and then Jackie Chan.|||all of them r having different styles of fight
we can learn from all of them|||Segal has the highest official ranking.
Bruce was WAY cooler though!|||Well of course, I wouldn't pick a fight with any of them! I don't know who the best is, but I love Jet Li, he's just so quick.|||jet li|||I think Bruce Lee, because he was very fast, and was known to have kicked some *** in a lot of competitions. Jackie Chan has some very interesting styles, and his martial arts look really cool, but I don't know how effective he is at kicking *** IRL. I always thought Jet Li was kind of slow, so I put him in 3rd place. And Steven Segal kind of looks like he's just making stuff up as he goes, so I would think he would be in last.|||Steven Segal|||You forgot Chuck Norris, the greatest of all time.
Its a toss up between Bruce Lee and Jet Li.
I find Jackie Chan's moves as comical.|||I think all this fighters are already out dated and off their prime anymore.
Tony Jaa and Donnie yen are the best in the field, and they skills are really practical in actual combat.|||I think Jet Li, because though I like aikido, Seagal's technique is sloppy for his level and he is fat. I've seen videos of Jet Li in his prime and he kicked ***.
Jackie Chan is a stunt man
Bruce Lee never studied martial arts for very long before deciding to create his own. He was an actor not a fighter.|||The only actual practitioner of Kung Fu in that list is Jet Li. Bruce Lee had background in Kung Fu but early on evolved far beyond it. Jackie Chan is just doing choreography, and Segal doesn't even do Kung Fu he does Akido|||Well for one calling them experts just because they're in movies is ignorant on an extreme level. Second like was said they are very different. Personally I don't think it's any contest, Bruce Lee wins by an extreme amount to anyone that knows anything about him. Jackie Chan doesn't even know what form he's done and I don't know if he's ever actually fought to win a fight. Jet li thinks he's good but who knows, and Steven Segal is a good question I don't know enough about him personally. I do however know that the DEMONSTRATION the others mentioned is scripted as par Akido, so you can't use that to judge how good he is. In my opinion it's Bruce Lee, Segal (because he has so high ranking in akido), Jet li, and then Jackie Chan.|||all of them r having different styles of fight
we can learn from all of them|||Segal has the highest official ranking.
Bruce was WAY cooler though!|||Well of course, I wouldn't pick a fight with any of them! I don't know who the best is, but I love Jet Li, he's just so quick.|||jet li|||I think Bruce Lee, because he was very fast, and was known to have kicked some *** in a lot of competitions. Jackie Chan has some very interesting styles, and his martial arts look really cool, but I don't know how effective he is at kicking *** IRL. I always thought Jet Li was kind of slow, so I put him in 3rd place. And Steven Segal kind of looks like he's just making stuff up as he goes, so I would think he would be in last.|||Steven Segal|||You forgot Chuck Norris, the greatest of all time.
For those who have been to see Kungfu Panda. How many of you stayed and watched the VERY LAST scene?
Did you see the "little seed" starting to grow?|||hmm.... no i dont remember that part.
Does anyone know this children kungfu movie?
i watched this movie like a long time ago when i was 8...maybe?? the kid is kungfu student but i dont remember the whole movie.. the part i remember is when the kid got hurt and a woman helped him and with her hands going down she hit the back of the kid's back and he blurt out bloodd and its a funny and actions but kids movie..
i really want to watch it again but i dont know the title....|||the title of the movie called" The Little Heroes" ,I watched it when I was young. and the leading role's wife 20 years old than he was in this movie,( he was a teenage) it's fanny.|||There is another children Kung Fu movie that was just as funny. The movie is called "The Prince of the Sun" or Tai yang zhi zi and it came out in 1990. It had Cynthia Rothrock as the lead female role and Conan Lee as the boy she helped. It is a Kung Fu comedy movie. Hard to find though.
i really want to watch it again but i dont know the title....|||the title of the movie called" The Little Heroes" ,I watched it when I was young. and the leading role's wife 20 years old than he was in this movie,( he was a teenage) it's fanny.|||There is another children Kung Fu movie that was just as funny. The movie is called "The Prince of the Sun" or Tai yang zhi zi and it came out in 1990. It had Cynthia Rothrock as the lead female role and Conan Lee as the boy she helped. It is a Kung Fu comedy movie. Hard to find though.
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How can i watch kungfu panda 2 at my computer becuz i cant watch it windows medias player?
Codec鈥檚 is Your answer here you go....鈥?/a>
Download either one will do the job.....|||Download FLV Player.|||use vlc media player|||You probably need to download some codecs.鈥?/a>
Download either one will do the job.....|||Download FLV Player.|||use vlc media player|||You probably need to download some codecs.
Which is better- chiniese kungfu or japanese karate ?
Neither. It is the person, how well they are trained, and how well they use what they know. Asking which one is better is like asking which brand of car is better. It makes no sense. Each situation must be examined for its merits.
...|||Karate originated partly from Chinese Kung Fu (also known as "Chuan Fa").
The Naha style of Karate emphasizes many of its Chinese similarities.
They are virtually identical in many instances. Many of the differences are simply in the focus of the art; self-defense, health, sport, and tradition; which is less about the art and more about how it is taught.|||That's kind of like asking which ice cream is better. Butter pecan or butter scotch. They are both good. Kungfu or Karate. Both are good and each one serves its purpose. So it narrows down to the person that is doing the application. As no two karate people are alike, neither are the two styles alike. But each one is good. A person that dedicates his/her life to style or martial art is going to be good at it. It is not the style but the person doing the style that matters.
'|||There is no better or best martial art. Trying to compare arts is like comparing painting styles. It has a lot of subjective points, and there's really no way of knowing. However, what we do know is that arts taught poorly, are completely and utterly useless. Thus your main focus should be on finding a good school, not what art is best.
Google a list of schools in your area. From here, compile a list of arts you feel are the most interesting or that you like the most. Once you have this list down, go visit the local schools of the style of your choice. While visiting these schools, make sure the instructor is knowledgable and that the school is not a McDojo. Once you have visited all the schools in your area and you have a good list of schools, decide which school you like the best or which one is cheaper, or closer, etc.|||Both are very different stylistically but neither is better. Both have amazingly effective techniques when done correctly and teach many of the same moral values. I began my martial arts studies in karate at a young age and although i have moved on to Wing Chun Kung Fu i have nothing but respect and love for all karateka.|||Neither is better than the other.
Only the martial artist that is better prepared for the fight on any given day is truly better.|||Chinese KungFu Is Better.
If U Wanna The Famous And Strong KungFu Is Wing Chun,Hong Style
U Can Learn WIng CHun In KL And Klang
In KL Is SImon Hew
In Klang Is Aw Hann Hour
...|||Karate originated partly from Chinese Kung Fu (also known as "Chuan Fa").
The Naha style of Karate emphasizes many of its Chinese similarities.
They are virtually identical in many instances. Many of the differences are simply in the focus of the art; self-defense, health, sport, and tradition; which is less about the art and more about how it is taught.|||That's kind of like asking which ice cream is better. Butter pecan or butter scotch. They are both good. Kungfu or Karate. Both are good and each one serves its purpose. So it narrows down to the person that is doing the application. As no two karate people are alike, neither are the two styles alike. But each one is good. A person that dedicates his/her life to style or martial art is going to be good at it. It is not the style but the person doing the style that matters.
'|||There is no better or best martial art. Trying to compare arts is like comparing painting styles. It has a lot of subjective points, and there's really no way of knowing. However, what we do know is that arts taught poorly, are completely and utterly useless. Thus your main focus should be on finding a good school, not what art is best.
Google a list of schools in your area. From here, compile a list of arts you feel are the most interesting or that you like the most. Once you have this list down, go visit the local schools of the style of your choice. While visiting these schools, make sure the instructor is knowledgable and that the school is not a McDojo. Once you have visited all the schools in your area and you have a good list of schools, decide which school you like the best or which one is cheaper, or closer, etc.|||Both are very different stylistically but neither is better. Both have amazingly effective techniques when done correctly and teach many of the same moral values. I began my martial arts studies in karate at a young age and although i have moved on to Wing Chun Kung Fu i have nothing but respect and love for all karateka.|||Neither is better than the other.
Only the martial artist that is better prepared for the fight on any given day is truly better.|||Chinese KungFu Is Better.
If U Wanna The Famous And Strong KungFu Is Wing Chun,Hong Style
U Can Learn WIng CHun In KL And Klang
In KL Is SImon Hew
In Klang Is Aw Hann Hour
Do Japanese use kung fu too or is it only chinese that use kungfu?
There are some kata and some movements and techniques in kata that show a strong Chinese influence and in the 1800s and early 1900s there were people from the mainland that did study martial arts in Japan and Okinawa as well as some Japanese that traveled and studied arts of the mainland there. There was a lot of exchange of ideas and concepts between the two during this time frame. Look at the style Goju-ryu and its influence by White Crane Kung-fu and the influence that southern China had on the development of that style of karate and that is a good example of this I think.
This all changed though in the early 1900s as southern China was dominated by Japan and several other countries and colonized for financial and economic gain. During this time frame also the Japanese systematically went through their own culture removing as much of the Chinese influence and its presence from it as they could, even in martial arts. It was thought or considered as impure and base in nature and not refined. These two things together with WW ll and all the war atrocities that Japan committed on mainland China and its people did not exactly contribute in any positive way to this either and the Chinese basically did the same thing with respect to their culture. They only exchanged official diplomatic relations in the late 70s and that was thirty years after the end of WW ll and relations today are still somewhat strained because of the past as well as the present. If you do some reading about Goju-ryu, Shito-ryu, Shorin-ryu and White Crane Kung-fu you will run across some of these aspects and also read about some of this and how it all came about and why and some of it was later discarded due to cultural influences.|||technically since the words kung fu means hard work the Japanese and every culture use it in some ways and the Chinese martial arts( have influenced many different styles throughout the world
traditionally they do not use it however I am sure many practice styles of kung fu|||Kung fu is chinese, but many of the founders of the karate arts studied kung fu in Southern China.
Some say that white crane is the ancestor of karate and that eagle claw is the ancestor of jujitsu.|||A Shaolin monk opened a temple in Africa and teaches Shaolin Kung Fu to Africans. Does a persons race or gender stop someone from learning, practicing, or using any MA?|||Kung Fu is Chinese. Karate is Japanese. But I'm sure there is some cross-over between the two countries.|||Chinese...鈥?/a>|||I'm pretty sure only the chinese, because the japanese have Karate.
This all changed though in the early 1900s as southern China was dominated by Japan and several other countries and colonized for financial and economic gain. During this time frame also the Japanese systematically went through their own culture removing as much of the Chinese influence and its presence from it as they could, even in martial arts. It was thought or considered as impure and base in nature and not refined. These two things together with WW ll and all the war atrocities that Japan committed on mainland China and its people did not exactly contribute in any positive way to this either and the Chinese basically did the same thing with respect to their culture. They only exchanged official diplomatic relations in the late 70s and that was thirty years after the end of WW ll and relations today are still somewhat strained because of the past as well as the present. If you do some reading about Goju-ryu, Shito-ryu, Shorin-ryu and White Crane Kung-fu you will run across some of these aspects and also read about some of this and how it all came about and why and some of it was later discarded due to cultural influences.|||technically since the words kung fu means hard work the Japanese and every culture use it in some ways and the Chinese martial arts( have influenced many different styles throughout the world
traditionally they do not use it however I am sure many practice styles of kung fu|||Kung fu is chinese, but many of the founders of the karate arts studied kung fu in Southern China.
Some say that white crane is the ancestor of karate and that eagle claw is the ancestor of jujitsu.|||A Shaolin monk opened a temple in Africa and teaches Shaolin Kung Fu to Africans. Does a persons race or gender stop someone from learning, practicing, or using any MA?|||Kung Fu is Chinese. Karate is Japanese. But I'm sure there is some cross-over between the two countries.|||Chinese...鈥?/a>|||I'm pretty sure only the chinese, because the japanese have Karate.
What is Wing Chun, is it martial arts or kungfu?
Is it kung fu?|||Wing Chun is a form of Chinese martial arts, which are sometimes called "Kung Fu", though that term loosely means "skill" and can refer to anything from fighting to painting to tailoring. In turn, the expression "martial art" means any codified fighting system. So Wing Chun is, by definition, a martial art, and can very well be classified as a type of "kung fu". Other martial arts include things like Judo, karate, Taekwondo, and kickboxing.|||Wing Chun is a style of Kung Fu, which is a type of martial art. So it's both.|||Kung Fu is a generic term that describes all Chinese MAs. Wing Chun is one of the hundreds of styles of Kung Fu.|||wing chun means "eternal springtime"
It is a southern chinese style of kung-fu that relies mostly on short range punches, strikes, and blocks through the opponent's centerline.
It is a southern chinese style of kung-fu that relies mostly on short range punches, strikes, and blocks through the opponent's centerline.
Is it cool to have a 1975 Inside KungFu magazine autographed by Chuck Norris?
Almost as cool as having the bottom of Chuck Norris' shoe imprinted on my chest from a savage roundhouse kick.|||that's a dumb question! of course that fricken awesome!! wow u are so lucky how the hell did u get that?!
What styles of kungfu / martial art are similar to wing chun?
in a technical manner i mean.|||Wing Chun according to traditional histories is based on several Chinese martial arts. Probably a couple good answers would be Southern Mantis I say Southern because Wing Chun is more of a Southern art. Another is Snake and also White Crane. It is said that Snake and Crane are a big influence it's really not well known but all of the above are likely to be mixed into Wing Chun. Wing Chun it's self is a mixed martial art it's not one or the other and neither soft or hard. It does however simplify movements to make it faster and more streamlined. Also teaches not to fight force with force because the strongest person will likely win. I have no real experience in other arts but have seen many demos of rare Chinese arts and would say these are the best matches. Mantis is very similar I can't imagine it not being part of Wing Chun.|||I don't know how anyone would say Jeet Kune Do or say they instruct JKD and not know it isn't even a martial art. JKD is an eclectic approach to martial arts training and concepts. Its core curriculum consists of training in Wing Chun but that doesn't make JKD a system similar to it anymore than claiming studying philosophy at a university makes it a University of Philosophy.
It's no coincidence a lot of the movements are similar to crane, since the mother art to Wing Chun is Ng Mui Southern Crane. Ng Mui was the legendary Buddhist nun who eventually taught Yim Wing Chun, the namesake for the art.
As far as I know theoretically speaking, Filipino martial arts are pretty similar to Wing Chun. Both do use centerline theory, trapping movements and sensitivity often from within mid to close range. Wing Chun assumes a solid posture and structure to merge with an opponent's center and neutralize at close quarters. FMA can work from the outside to close range reference point and takes a heavy approach to that by accounting for weapons.|||Jeet Kune Do is very closely based on Wing Chun in it's close quarters trapping and striking, but with additions brought into it from other styles or arts.
Krav Maga is a self defense system that owes much of it's close quartes defense and offense to Wing Chun, but as with Jeet Kune Do it has additions to it from other styels/ arts.
There are several other Chinese martial arts styles that have a fair number of similarities to Wing Chun, my favorite Chinese style aside from Wing Chun is Mantis style. Very similar to Wing Chun in terms of lots of trapping and a lot of close quartes work, with more outside work than you typically see associated with Wing Chun.
I don't have any personal experience with them, but I have also heard that Silat shares a lot of similarties with Wing Chun and also Kali. Again I have never studied either of these so I am purely going on others opinions in these.
Krav Maga, Jeet Kune Do and Mantis I have personally trained in and I know for sure that they are very similar in how they handle much of their close quartes training.|||Hey there
Wing Chun is a Kung Fu style. I don't know of many styles similar to it, but the hand to hand technique movements in Wing Chun are quite similar to a martial art called Kali, and somewhat similar to Bakmei although not entirely. I'm saying hand movements, strikes etc nothing else.
Even some of the hand techniques in Krav Maga, close quarter range strikes etc are similar to Wing Chun.
Also, to the person who answered above me, saying Jeet Kune Do is a " version of wing chun ". Jeet Kune Do is a philosophy, a way of thinking and moving that any style can be integrated into. It is not a version of anything.
You call yourself a Wing Chun instructor and you don't even know that much ?
Kind regards
eireshane|||Jeet Kune Do is a "style" invented by Bruce Lee who first practiced in Wing Chun. He took Wing Chun's idea of the centerline and incorperated it into the punching of JKD. it also has other forms of Martial Arts that he trained in but only the important parts.鈥?/a>
Heres more information on it|||Wing chun has unique mechanics. It sort of goes against the principles of other Chinese styles.
However, being a southern short range style, it bears some similarities to other southern hand styles. I think white eyebrow and southern mantis have some similarities to wing chun.|||Seven Star Praying Mantis has many of the attributes of Wing Chun|||Jeet kune do is a version of wing chun so that would be the closest in a technical manner|||some movements looks similar to the crane and snake styles
It's no coincidence a lot of the movements are similar to crane, since the mother art to Wing Chun is Ng Mui Southern Crane. Ng Mui was the legendary Buddhist nun who eventually taught Yim Wing Chun, the namesake for the art.
As far as I know theoretically speaking, Filipino martial arts are pretty similar to Wing Chun. Both do use centerline theory, trapping movements and sensitivity often from within mid to close range. Wing Chun assumes a solid posture and structure to merge with an opponent's center and neutralize at close quarters. FMA can work from the outside to close range reference point and takes a heavy approach to that by accounting for weapons.|||Jeet Kune Do is very closely based on Wing Chun in it's close quarters trapping and striking, but with additions brought into it from other styles or arts.
Krav Maga is a self defense system that owes much of it's close quartes defense and offense to Wing Chun, but as with Jeet Kune Do it has additions to it from other styels/ arts.
There are several other Chinese martial arts styles that have a fair number of similarities to Wing Chun, my favorite Chinese style aside from Wing Chun is Mantis style. Very similar to Wing Chun in terms of lots of trapping and a lot of close quartes work, with more outside work than you typically see associated with Wing Chun.
I don't have any personal experience with them, but I have also heard that Silat shares a lot of similarties with Wing Chun and also Kali. Again I have never studied either of these so I am purely going on others opinions in these.
Krav Maga, Jeet Kune Do and Mantis I have personally trained in and I know for sure that they are very similar in how they handle much of their close quartes training.|||Hey there
Wing Chun is a Kung Fu style. I don't know of many styles similar to it, but the hand to hand technique movements in Wing Chun are quite similar to a martial art called Kali, and somewhat similar to Bakmei although not entirely. I'm saying hand movements, strikes etc nothing else.
Even some of the hand techniques in Krav Maga, close quarter range strikes etc are similar to Wing Chun.
Also, to the person who answered above me, saying Jeet Kune Do is a " version of wing chun ". Jeet Kune Do is a philosophy, a way of thinking and moving that any style can be integrated into. It is not a version of anything.
You call yourself a Wing Chun instructor and you don't even know that much ?
Kind regards
eireshane|||Jeet Kune Do is a "style" invented by Bruce Lee who first practiced in Wing Chun. He took Wing Chun's idea of the centerline and incorperated it into the punching of JKD. it also has other forms of Martial Arts that he trained in but only the important parts.鈥?/a>
Heres more information on it|||Wing chun has unique mechanics. It sort of goes against the principles of other Chinese styles.
However, being a southern short range style, it bears some similarities to other southern hand styles. I think white eyebrow and southern mantis have some similarities to wing chun.|||Seven Star Praying Mantis has many of the attributes of Wing Chun|||Jeet kune do is a version of wing chun so that would be the closest in a technical manner|||some movements looks similar to the crane and snake styles
I need a website where I could learn the animal tricks of Kungfu?
Your not going to learn it properly on the internet. you can only learn kung fu practically. Stop being lazy get out and do it !!!
|||Dude, read all the other questions like this regarding other styles, techniques, etc. and they ALL say the same.........YOU CAN NOT LEARN MARTIAL ARTS BY BOOK, VIDEO, ON LINE, OSMOSIS, MAGIC, TELEPATHY, DAY DREAMING.........Must I go on?|||There are several an would take at least 20 years to master them, youtube would be helpful but your better off getting a sensi.
|||Dude, read all the other questions like this regarding other styles, techniques, etc. and they ALL say the same.........YOU CAN NOT LEARN MARTIAL ARTS BY BOOK, VIDEO, ON LINE, OSMOSIS, MAGIC, TELEPATHY, DAY DREAMING.........Must I go on?|||There are several an would take at least 20 years to master them, youtube would be helpful but your better off getting a sensi.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Are the ancient training methods of Shaolin kungfu,Ninja methods, the most effective?
Is 4- 6yrs old too young or risky for girls to take up either?
Thanks so much for kind and positive responses!
Have a safe and pleasant week! :-))|||I'm not going to speak about Shaolin Kung Fu training methods... They're not my area of expertise.
There is no need for a child, in this day and age, to go through the training methods of the ninja. Fujita Seiko wrote in detail about the training methods he underwent, and he was a strong young man who wandered off and followed Shugenja into the mountains on a pilgrimage as a small boy and stayed for months.
Eating acids and poisons, binge eating and drinking, self mutilation 鈥?are these habits that you want to train your daughter in?
And who would train her? I know many many ninjutsu instructors, and few know what the training entailed. Walking on the sides and tops of your feet... Until your ankle snaps, then being told since you can't walk on your ankle, you need to walk on your hands until it heals... Leaping fast growing stalked plants (corn, hemp) as it grows to train your vertical leap.
Modern society has no need for this training right now. Even at the height of Sengoku Jidai, the ninja only trained children that they felt had the proper heart and spirit, and their lives depended upon that training. Don't subject your children to such things.|||No, children should start martial arts at a young age actually, it's much safer. Now out of these the most affective is actually Shaolin. Oddly enough it was started by Buddhists, people who never liked fighting, but it was used as training for the mind and body, and was very useful when necessary. Ninja methods are to, considering when learning anything can be used as a weapon in the right hand. Though I do believe Shaolin is more effective. You learn the best ways to fight, the mose fluent and effective movements, it may look kinda weird but its the smartest way to do any attack it adds more power to the attack. So go ahead and have her learn Shaolin ^_^|||The ancient way of training Shaolin kung fu is very effective. If you want her to be able to protect herself, make sure you find a Shaolin school that teaches the applications of the moves and make the kids actually practicing using them. A lot of the shaolin schools out there focus more on wushu now, which is for demos.|||Every martial art, under any instructor, has its merits. No one martial art is in itself entirely more effective than the next.
I don't think that six years old would be too young, depending on the child. The trick is getting the child interested and motivated, and to find someone who would teach a child that age.|||Assuming you're in Singapore, then 4 - 6 is not too young.
Find a good traditional school/teacher with an honorable lineage and history.
If you do this then everything will work out fine and we can look back at this question and laugh together some day.|||Yes i think so and they have to most disciplin..
Thanks so much for kind and positive responses!
Have a safe and pleasant week! :-))|||I'm not going to speak about Shaolin Kung Fu training methods... They're not my area of expertise.
There is no need for a child, in this day and age, to go through the training methods of the ninja. Fujita Seiko wrote in detail about the training methods he underwent, and he was a strong young man who wandered off and followed Shugenja into the mountains on a pilgrimage as a small boy and stayed for months.
Eating acids and poisons, binge eating and drinking, self mutilation 鈥?are these habits that you want to train your daughter in?
And who would train her? I know many many ninjutsu instructors, and few know what the training entailed. Walking on the sides and tops of your feet... Until your ankle snaps, then being told since you can't walk on your ankle, you need to walk on your hands until it heals... Leaping fast growing stalked plants (corn, hemp) as it grows to train your vertical leap.
Modern society has no need for this training right now. Even at the height of Sengoku Jidai, the ninja only trained children that they felt had the proper heart and spirit, and their lives depended upon that training. Don't subject your children to such things.|||No, children should start martial arts at a young age actually, it's much safer. Now out of these the most affective is actually Shaolin. Oddly enough it was started by Buddhists, people who never liked fighting, but it was used as training for the mind and body, and was very useful when necessary. Ninja methods are to, considering when learning anything can be used as a weapon in the right hand. Though I do believe Shaolin is more effective. You learn the best ways to fight, the mose fluent and effective movements, it may look kinda weird but its the smartest way to do any attack it adds more power to the attack. So go ahead and have her learn Shaolin ^_^|||The ancient way of training Shaolin kung fu is very effective. If you want her to be able to protect herself, make sure you find a Shaolin school that teaches the applications of the moves and make the kids actually practicing using them. A lot of the shaolin schools out there focus more on wushu now, which is for demos.|||Every martial art, under any instructor, has its merits. No one martial art is in itself entirely more effective than the next.
I don't think that six years old would be too young, depending on the child. The trick is getting the child interested and motivated, and to find someone who would teach a child that age.|||Assuming you're in Singapore, then 4 - 6 is not too young.
Find a good traditional school/teacher with an honorable lineage and history.
If you do this then everything will work out fine and we can look back at this question and laugh together some day.|||Yes i think so and they have to most disciplin..
Where can i get a 30-50cm soft toy of tigress from kungfu panda??????????
I really love tigress from kungfu panda , i want to have a soft toy of it , but i can't seems to find it on ebay or the internet. If you know where have sell tigress soft toy from kungfu panda , pls answer me , even if you are not sure just tell me i always have time to check , anyway make sure it's in Singapore.|||The problem is there may not be one of Tigress anywhere, as the company never made it. I would check with the Dreamworks site to see if they licensed something like that.
America has football season, does China have BIG kungfu tournaments?
I'm just asking about the occasional match that happens, I'm just wondering if there are any national sized tournaments that I would be able to follow/watch on my comp or tv or whatever|||YES, Master's championship was just a month or two ago. It is televised in China but I have no clue if you can watch it in the US. In China they not only have televised tournaments but they also have demos that are televised. I know, because I participated in one a few years back.|||H U G E
Last summer was a grand Shitokai Karate tournament in Beijing.
If you speak/write chinese or know someone that does
go to a chinese .com site and search
Or yahoo/ hong kong in english and search
Last summer was a grand Shitokai Karate tournament in Beijing.
If you speak/write chinese or know someone that does
go to a chinese .com site and search
Or yahoo/ hong kong in english and search
Any good place in Delhi where the best KungFu is taught?
I want the original chinese style Kung Fu and I am a pure vegetarian it means I don't even eat eggs so please remember this when giving your answer. Thank You|||if you are in delhi visit|||How does your vegetarian status affect you doing Kung Fu?
These guys, is where I trained whilst in India|||lol last time i checked they don't require you to eat meat when going for a kung fu lesson.
These guys, is where I trained whilst in India|||lol last time i checked they don't require you to eat meat when going for a kung fu lesson.
Simba VS Kungfu Panda VS a frog VS Harry Potter?
Imagine all four them in a fight, who'd win?
Weapons are not allowed but Harry Potter can use his wand.|||Harry potter|||Kung Fu Panda fer sure. He can break you like that if he falls on you.|||Wow- if you're older than 18, we need to meet!|||no it would not be a fair fight HP would have to give up his wand .|||HARRY POTTER!!!|||Harry Potter or Simba.|||HP
Weapons are not allowed but Harry Potter can use his wand.|||Harry potter|||Kung Fu Panda fer sure. He can break you like that if he falls on you.|||Wow- if you're older than 18, we need to meet!|||no it would not be a fair fight HP would have to give up his wand .|||HARRY POTTER!!!|||Harry Potter or Simba.|||HP
How can I find the biography of Kungfu master in Ching dynasty such as Huang Fei Hong,Ten Tigers etc...?
I've found only movies when search by google or other search engines.
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Since I really haven't answered your question, it is not necessary to give me any points. This post is simply to encourage you to pick a best answer or to help you find a good answer. Regards.|||ask your familey %26amp; friends in ur age
Does anyone know were I can get a cool fighting/kungfu outfit?
I was looking to get a cool fighting outfit, with gloves and everything. The outfit also has to be modernized. Kind of like one of those secret agent leather outfits, or a school teen boy fighting outfit, or something in between. Can someone please help me!!!!!!! :(|||ok, i reccomend you to just go to a tailoring that you can instruct the tailor what you want...
What chines kungfu movie is this?
Um, along time ago I saw this one chinese kungfu film that was amazing but i can't remember what it was. All I remember of it was that it showed a baby who was beating the heck out of all of these bad guys. He even peed on one. Do you know what this film is called?|||"Kung-Pow Enter the Fist"?|||ong bak
Zoological names of the eight animals in Movie KUNGFU PANDA?
The Panda
Master Shifu
Praying mantis,,,,,,, and
Tailong|||Giant Panda: Ailuropoda melanoleuca
Red Panda (Shifu): Ailurus fulgens
That was a tiger not a lion... South China Tiger: Panthera tigris amoyensis
Golden Langur (monkey): Trachypithecus geei
Red Crowned Crane: Grus japonensis
Green Tree Viper: Trimeresurus stejnegeri
Chinese Mantis: Tenodera sinensis
Snow Leopard (Thai Lung): Uncia uncia|||i dont understand the question. are you asking for the binomial nomenclature?|||ummm id get wat the quesion is but ummm can u go to mii profile nd maybe answer mine?|||GOOGLE
Master Shifu
Praying mantis,,,,,,, and
Tailong|||Giant Panda: Ailuropoda melanoleuca
Red Panda (Shifu): Ailurus fulgens
That was a tiger not a lion... South China Tiger: Panthera tigris amoyensis
Golden Langur (monkey): Trachypithecus geei
Red Crowned Crane: Grus japonensis
Green Tree Viper: Trimeresurus stejnegeri
Chinese Mantis: Tenodera sinensis
Snow Leopard (Thai Lung): Uncia uncia|||i dont understand the question. are you asking for the binomial nomenclature?|||ummm id get wat the quesion is but ummm can u go to mii profile nd maybe answer mine?|||GOOGLE
Karate martial arts kungfu whats the diffence?
how can u tell the diffrence between kungfu karate and kungfu? they all seem the same can anyone help|||Martial arts are any of the fighting arts. It is a generic term that can mean karate, Kung-fu, and hundreds of other types of martial arts. Karate is a general terms that describes many different styles that are either Okinawnan or Japanese. Kung-Fu is a general term used to describe hundreds of styles that are from China. There are many hundreds of other fighting arts that we have not even mentioned in this question. Yet all styles of fighting arts can be called martial arts. if you are talking about a specific type of martial arts like Karate, then there are as many as 50 different styles.
A simple way to think about it would be like this. Martial arts could be like cars. Karate might be like Fords. Yet there are many different models of Ford. Kung-fu then might be Chevrolet. Again there are many different models of Chevy. We could then use Honda to represent Korean Tae Kwon Do styles. There are many different styles of Tae Kwon Do. Yet no matter how many different makes and models of cars, they are all Cars. The same is true of Karate, Kung-fu, Tae Kwondo, .......etc. All of them are martial arts.|||karate is linear strikes, kung fu from what I understand is more of the circular movement philosophy.. supposedly karate was derived from Kung Fu, but not sure.. as this is part of the conspiracy dude was talking about.. kung fu also has more defensive locks and pressure points to it than karate.|||Well first off, Karate is from Japan and uses punches, kicks, and open or "knife hand" strikes. While, Kung Fu is from China and mimics the strikes of animals by using the fingertips, palms, nails, wrists ect. Both have controversy over where and who they originated from so i wont get into that.
A simple way to think about it would be like this. Martial arts could be like cars. Karate might be like Fords. Yet there are many different models of Ford. Kung-fu then might be Chevrolet. Again there are many different models of Chevy. We could then use Honda to represent Korean Tae Kwon Do styles. There are many different styles of Tae Kwon Do. Yet no matter how many different makes and models of cars, they are all Cars. The same is true of Karate, Kung-fu, Tae Kwondo, .......etc. All of them are martial arts.|||karate is linear strikes, kung fu from what I understand is more of the circular movement philosophy.. supposedly karate was derived from Kung Fu, but not sure.. as this is part of the conspiracy dude was talking about.. kung fu also has more defensive locks and pressure points to it than karate.|||Well first off, Karate is from Japan and uses punches, kicks, and open or "knife hand" strikes. While, Kung Fu is from China and mimics the strikes of animals by using the fingertips, palms, nails, wrists ect. Both have controversy over where and who they originated from so i wont get into that.
How much time does it take to gain mastery in kungfu, tai chi, judo and karate separately?
i wanna decide which one would be better to learn
right know i think i'll do kung fu as it seems to teach a variety.
tell me about the time needed...and if u can, mention some places i can learn these in india...|||The general answer to your question is "it depends on the instructor and the student, rather than the style". Each of the styles you mention take a lifetime to truly master, or can be learned within 2 years at a McDojo. Which unfortuantely isn't much help to you.
That being said, the timeframe for learning the basics (ie, up to the eqivalent of a "black belt") for most general martial arts styles is between 4 and eight years, depending on the student. Note that "black belt" is really only the eqivalent of graduating high school - it's certianly an accomplishment, but it's really only the first main step on your road to mastery.
Instead, you can arguably think of "mastery" as the eqivalent of a post-doctorate degree. The folks I've met who I would consider "masters" of their styles have been doing it for 20 years or so. Folks who have natrual talent, desire, and the resources to dedicate their lives full time to study can probalby get there in 15 years.
Regarding learning martial arts in India - that's a little vague. It's the seventh-largest country in the world, and has the 2nd largest population. As a consequence, you can probably learn any of the martial arts you mention in any of their larger cities. (which are ginormous, by the way.)|||mastery does not mean you get a black belt and you are done. there are level to black belt.
the first degree only represents an understanding of the basics
karate and judo both use a belt system.
most kung fu style use a slash system which is similar
tai chi i dont think uses any.
it takes decades to understand one system and a life time to master it.
they are all good systems which ever one you choose. more importantly find a good instructor, and train hard. those are the 2 import keys in understand martial arts. all because someone has been in martial arts a while and has a black belt does Not mean they know any thing|||Kung Fu was the origin of martial arts. It was taught by the Bodhidharma (an Indian Buddhist monk) to shaolin monks ages ago to strengthen their bodies so that they could meditate longer and so that they could be healthy. I recommend doing kung fu (or gong fu as chinese would call it) because all martial arts were probably derived from it since it is so old and because traditional forms have been kept and are still taught now. Just find a good teacher and be diligent everyday practicing seeking to improve and you will improve each day. It normally takes years to be very good but how long it takes depends on the individual and his/her situation and conditions.
Good luck with your practice!|||Mastery in karate takes a life time, I met people who have done it for over 60 yrs who will tell you that they have not yet mastered it. I would say that the other arts are probably the same. as for anything being the original art, that is just marketing. if it was taught by a monk for india then the original martial art would be from India (which there are still many wonderful martial arts)|||"Mastery" is a lifetime goal. Some work their entire life at it and never attain it.
Even though I hold the rank of "Master," I still have loads of work to do before I would ever claim to have "mastered" my art.
"Black Belt" level, however, can take anywhere from 2 to 20 years depending on your dedication, the school and your instructor.|||Kung Fu and Tai Chi are often taken together. They're 2 sides of the same coin. Maybe 5 or 6 years, depending on the Kung Fu style. Judo, about 5 years, Karate 3 to 4 years. |||You need to work out every day in private lessons and in regular classes too. If you work out every day and continue for years, you will get good.|||If you took each one seperately and worked hard then you could learn the basics in just over 85 years... Give or take a few months.|||I did karate (shotokan style) and started in November 2003 and got my black belt in August 08 :) i really enjoy it
right know i think i'll do kung fu as it seems to teach a variety.
tell me about the time needed...and if u can, mention some places i can learn these in india...|||The general answer to your question is "it depends on the instructor and the student, rather than the style". Each of the styles you mention take a lifetime to truly master, or can be learned within 2 years at a McDojo. Which unfortuantely isn't much help to you.
That being said, the timeframe for learning the basics (ie, up to the eqivalent of a "black belt") for most general martial arts styles is between 4 and eight years, depending on the student. Note that "black belt" is really only the eqivalent of graduating high school - it's certianly an accomplishment, but it's really only the first main step on your road to mastery.
Instead, you can arguably think of "mastery" as the eqivalent of a post-doctorate degree. The folks I've met who I would consider "masters" of their styles have been doing it for 20 years or so. Folks who have natrual talent, desire, and the resources to dedicate their lives full time to study can probalby get there in 15 years.
Regarding learning martial arts in India - that's a little vague. It's the seventh-largest country in the world, and has the 2nd largest population. As a consequence, you can probably learn any of the martial arts you mention in any of their larger cities. (which are ginormous, by the way.)|||mastery does not mean you get a black belt and you are done. there are level to black belt.
the first degree only represents an understanding of the basics
karate and judo both use a belt system.
most kung fu style use a slash system which is similar
tai chi i dont think uses any.
it takes decades to understand one system and a life time to master it.
they are all good systems which ever one you choose. more importantly find a good instructor, and train hard. those are the 2 import keys in understand martial arts. all because someone has been in martial arts a while and has a black belt does Not mean they know any thing|||Kung Fu was the origin of martial arts. It was taught by the Bodhidharma (an Indian Buddhist monk) to shaolin monks ages ago to strengthen their bodies so that they could meditate longer and so that they could be healthy. I recommend doing kung fu (or gong fu as chinese would call it) because all martial arts were probably derived from it since it is so old and because traditional forms have been kept and are still taught now. Just find a good teacher and be diligent everyday practicing seeking to improve and you will improve each day. It normally takes years to be very good but how long it takes depends on the individual and his/her situation and conditions.
Good luck with your practice!|||Mastery in karate takes a life time, I met people who have done it for over 60 yrs who will tell you that they have not yet mastered it. I would say that the other arts are probably the same. as for anything being the original art, that is just marketing. if it was taught by a monk for india then the original martial art would be from India (which there are still many wonderful martial arts)|||"Mastery" is a lifetime goal. Some work their entire life at it and never attain it.
Even though I hold the rank of "Master," I still have loads of work to do before I would ever claim to have "mastered" my art.
"Black Belt" level, however, can take anywhere from 2 to 20 years depending on your dedication, the school and your instructor.|||Kung Fu and Tai Chi are often taken together. They're 2 sides of the same coin. Maybe 5 or 6 years, depending on the Kung Fu style. Judo, about 5 years, Karate 3 to 4 years. |||You need to work out every day in private lessons and in regular classes too. If you work out every day and continue for years, you will get good.|||If you took each one seperately and worked hard then you could learn the basics in just over 85 years... Give or take a few months.|||I did karate (shotokan style) and started in November 2003 and got my black belt in August 08 :) i really enjoy it
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