Friday, December 2, 2011

Is kungfu a bad art or what ?

I barley see people learning kungfu. If i am right can i know the reason why ? and can you guys plz tell me a good art to learn that increases strength and power of my arms.

Thanks|||Ignore the pedantry occuring on this forum.

While kung fu literally means 'one who works hard' at something, it is generally understood on a martial arts forum to indicate a type of Chinese martial art.

Given that, Kung fu is not a bad martial art. In fact, kung fu is a fantastic martial art and, in my humble opinion, one of two most effective martial arts in the world (the other being Japanese Aikijitsu or jiu-jitsu).

But because it takes a very long time to learn any style of kung fu (or wushu) and it is not a prize fighting 'ring style', it is both escoteric and effective.

Lets face it, a contemporary 21st century Kung fu-ist or Aikjitsu-ka would pull out a .45 automatic and blow away an assailant as quick as anyone else.|||If you want to increase strength and power of the arms, buy kettlebells.

Seriously, I love Martial Arts. I may not want to do them all, but I love genuine martial arts, including "kung fu" (wushu, various styles of Chinese combative arts, whatever). The Chinese really figured out early on that rotation of the body activates denser fibrous tissues (tendons, ligaments), and their training reflects this. Today, most people are too impatient. They want the immediate answer.

Yes, an modern martial artist is as likely as anyone to use a gun. Sure. It's part of modernizing the art to learn applications of modern martial weapons.

If you want to learn to fight, find a fighting method. If you want a martial art, find a martial art. Whatever you choose, be patient and find the secrets. Learn, apply, learn more.|||"kung fu" is not an art.

It is a word that means how good or bad your skills are. And those skills could be for anything from cooking to typing to crocheting.

I'm a cook and my kung fu is terrible.

I can only type 10 words per minute - my kung fu is terrible!

The above are examples of how this term is properly used.



People who have been privileged with the gift of participating in some else's culture, should endeavor to get it right.

If anyone was going to be an ambassador of my culture, I would expect that person to either know it all, or don't delve in things you are going to do half way. It would be insulting to me for someone to say they represent me and give some halfassed presentation of my culture.

This lack of respect for other cultures is what's causing the problems we face in this world today.

The role of those who know, is to give correction to those who don't. Isn't it?|||I train White Crane Gung Fu and I love it. Our Sifu is a former champion kickboxer that used Gung Fu to improve his kickboxing.

Keep it up and you will become strong and powerful in your whole body|||If you rely on the strength and power of your arms, you will fail at martial arts.|||It all depends on the quality of training.|||It's not as bad as your spelling and Grammar concept.|||You just might suck at it.|||there are dozens of kinds of kung fu|||real kung fu is something different from what u see in the shaolin movies....

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